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Posts posted by frank_d

  1. 2 hours ago, vibronx said:

    My idea is to stop offering webinars on AI.

    Like @mabelmaI have also not learned using other freelancing platforms. I have learned other places, though, but I would have to know what pay you would be offering for sharing?

    I’m sorry but are you asking for compensation to share feedback with Fiverr staff on what they can do to create new learning tools for you and improve/elevate the marketplace?

    • Like 23
  2. 45 minutes ago, michmikaia said:

    @frank_dI couldn't agree more. 

    Here is one of my experience, talking about judging immediately with what is written. Everything written is all positive, but after a long conversation, it will never line up with me. 




    Yes the opposite can also be true.

    It’s important to use Fiverr’s tools as solid indicators but our decision making tree needs to be based on what makes us successful in the first place: our gut feeling and ability to read people.

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  3. @donnovan86 @callyofficial

    Oh absolutely, don't get me wrong: buyer insights can definitely help spot red flags, unless the buyer has opted out of certain fields. (which is still an indicator IMO)

    My post was more about: how we shouldn't jump into conclusions just becase we see something written right next to the chat. It's a bunch of numbers, just listen to what the buyer says. Sometimes the numbers and the context of the convo, don't line up. 🙂

    • Like 13
  4. This is a legit account, calm down. Yoav has never participated on the forum before, and people jumping on him won't help! 🙂

    I am sure he will speak to the admin team to get the badge, in the meantime, this is a good place to share your insights people! 

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  5. Hey gang!

    It's been a while since I've posted. 

    I am working through stuff. 🙂 

    So I had an interesting interaction the other day.

    I see Fiverr pushing sellers to use the amazing Buyer Insights tool, you know that gizmo that lives in our inbox and let's us know if a buyer is brand new, or their average spending, reviews etc.


    So here's the thing: I see people posting periodically about how a brand new account is a "Red flag". Sure that makes sense from a certain POV but that's not always the case.

    Depending on whether or not you are in a position to capture qualified leads, you can do amazing things even with a brand new account that has a poor average spend.

    Case in point: 


    about buyer insights fiverr.png


    How many of you would see the account creation date and average spend, and decline even asking them questions?

    • Like 18
  6. 8 minutes ago, petrolviv17 said:

    Have you posted any update on this? Maybe I missed it and would truly appreciate if you could send a link to that post.

    Thank you in advance!

    hey @petrolviv17

    I never got around to updating the post for several reasons.

    I'm not sure if I should, as everytime I share information, I end up in a... weird situation.

    But I am considering posting something shorter but extremely relevant soon. 

    • Like 18
  7. Well as with all Fiverr features, they first implement the infrastructure on seller's end of theing, and then they start rolling it out to buyers.

    As of right now, I personally can't see it on anyone's profile, which means the roll out has been selective so only a test group of buyers gets to see this feature.

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  8. 12 minutes ago, catwriter said:

    What do you mean? 🙂

    21 minutes ago, frank_d said:

    I mean Fiverr will start rolling it out to buyers so they can book calls.

    I am very excited to offer paid video calls.


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  9. I just noticed I am now able to set availability, choose the duration of the session and name my price, all through the “profile” page.

    Which means we are close to release.

    anyone else excited about this new feature?

    I know I am. 😉 

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  10. On 1/13/2023 at 4:45 AM, ahmedz502 said:

    When I published my new gig two weeks ago I started to lose traffic to my main gig and then got outranked and lost my position in the search results. now I have no new clients because of publishing a new gig. fiver's algorithm is different from what we human think when you expect positive results it turn out negative from algorithm eyes.

    While this is true, the algorithm was not meant to be understood easily by humans, I think there's more to your story that what you just posted.

    We lack context. What was the new gig about? Was it similar to the first one? 

    Was there any weird activity in your account lately? (bought reviews, gig exchanges etc)

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  11. 1 minute ago, newsmike said:

    What a lovely way to say "P*ss Off."

    Brilliant in that it essentially says, "Let me save you from your own cheapness." 

    That's the great part: it actually helps them. 

    In some cases it makes them understand that trying to go cheaper will not bring the expected results.

    In most cases, however, it just helps them understand that they need to look elsewhere.

    The interesting part is that until I challenge their assumption, it's impossible to see if they have a skewed value perception due to ignorance or because they are just shopping based on price or just don't see the actual value I bring to the table.

    At any rate, this helps resolve the issue on both ends. As an added bonus, they do remember that I helped them find another vendor.

    Now if only Fiverr would grant an incentive so that all sellers did just that when they couldn't establish project fit... 🤔


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  12. My approach is slightly different. 

    I don't want to antagonize anyone, nor do I take the discount request personally.

    However, it is my responsibility to pivot away from their poking at my pricing.

    So what I usually do, is challenge their proposal: "I don't see how I could deliver my usual quality on that kind of budget. In order to keep the price under $x, we would need to cut quite a few corners and to be honest, I wouldn't want to compromise on your vision."

    Then I suggest alternatives that don't involve me, like another fiverr freelancer or what to type in the search bar to get something that matches their budget.



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  13. Thank you @miiila

    To be honest I was hesitant to mention anything about why I suddenly just stopped posting on here, but I am working through things and just decided to spend some time lurking and see where it takes me.


    I do miss everyone and our lively discussions!

    Heck, I miss making webinars the most!

    • Like 24
  14. Where to begin?

    Fiverr search results are extremely dynamic.

    I can post a follow up post with new findings if people are interested, but as I keep saying: stop thinking in terms of SEO and SEO alone.

    If 1,000 search for the same thing at the same time they will get subtle, mild and extreme variations in their results based on a lot of things that Fiverr began tracking back when I wrote my 3.0 thesis.

    Gigs do shuffle a lot, but unfortunately, it’s not because Fiverr looks to give everyone a fair shot. 

    In my personal opinion, Fiverr has trained a machine to optimize revenue and sales and so it does go through a lot of repositioning as it is always trying to achieve the perfect match that will lead to a great possible outcome.

    I stopped posting about this and explaining how I perceive things and what I discover as:

    1) it was brought to my attention that my posts can be perceived as me gatekeeping information or having some sort of exclusive access others don’t 


    2) people keep asking me how this works and what to do but when I take the time to reply, they resist the fact that Fiverr is not Google and that SEO is not what they should be focusing on.

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  15. image.png.a5be67cf15f8b97280573855ee268822.png

    The Promoted gigs feature is not a "pay to win" feature. If your gigs are underperforming, you will end up burning money or getting poor ROI.

    In my case I get consistent results and I am happy to spend $300 to make almost $2k.

    But then again, my gigs are performing above average due to how I set them up and how I facilitate orders.

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  16. Early in the AM, immediately after the gym I have noticed that I can tackle the hardest tasks/problems.

    Then as the day progresses I stop when I get diminished returns and handle admin stuff.

    I am also in the process of shifting to specific days for specific tasks, which is a hard transition to make but boosts productivity by a lot.

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