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Don't have any order

Guest afzalzaman

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Hope this article also will help you to increase your sales 🙂

  1. Send LOTS and LOTS of buyer requests - It seems futile and time consuming, but trust me, it is very useful. I found a lot of my bulk buyers through buyer requests only.

  2. Update your profile - Make your profile attractive to the seller. Keep attractive display image for your gigs. Also, if possible, add an animated video to your profile. Trust me, the gigs with video intros tend to have a lot more hits than just images.

  3. Try to convince the buyer as much as possible in the buyer requests options. Even though you can use luring words, you should refrain from making any false commitments or giving any false information to the buyer.

  4. Refer your friends - refer your profile on social media like facebook, youtube, google+, twitter etc. and you can attract customers from these platforms.

  5. Keep your gigs hard to resist - Let us just say that general market price for a logo designing gig is $5 per logo. You make an offer the buyer cannot refuse. For example, you give the buyer two logos for $5 and lots of revisions. This will be difficult in the beginning, since you won’t get as much returns as you put in hard work, but once you start building reviews, you can always top up the prices.

  6. Most important - BE PATIENT. It takes time, it takes patience, and trust me, in the end, you will get what you deserve.

Good Luck My Friend!!

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