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Buyers request page!


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Hi! I’m so glad to have found this topic. I was wondering the same. I’ve been reading through the forums and heard how a few individuals received their first orders through Buyers’ request but when I went to check, ALL of them were those advertising their services. I understand the frustration!

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There are forum mods and admins, who do a really good job with the forum, but they can´t do a thing about Buyers Requests, just like there are, btw, or at least were, if they survived the recent repairs, a felt 1K threads on this same topic on the forum.

Your best bet if you want that madness to stop is to complain to Customer Support as often as you find the time, with always new screenshots to slowly wear them out just until they can´t take it any more and threaten fiverr with strike, until they’ll do something about it, like having (enough) staff to control it, or at least add a ‘Report’-button, which should help them with that. The last paragraph is a wild guess on my part only. No guarantees for anything. 😉

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  • 10 months later...

What is it with Sellers advertising their services on the buyers request page, This is very irritating and kinda getting out of hands. Don’t we have admin here or what???

Agreed its very teasing…

What is it with Sellers advertising their services on the buyers request page, This is very irritating and kinda getting out of hands. Don’t we have admin here or what???

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BR is garbage yard

BR is garbage yard

I’ve made several thousands dollars from Buyer Requests and received many $100+ Orders as well.

Do you see the “Remove Request” button just below the request?

Use it every time you see a Seller advertising and stop complaining about the Earth being round.

It doesn’t help.

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Its very nice to know about you achievements…

Its very nice to know about you achievements…

It’s not. Who cares about my achivements?

It’s nice to know what you can do if you put in the required work and actually take action instead of complaining about pointless things you can’t change (not adressed to you specifically, but in general).

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