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What if They're Not Replying? (TRICK!)


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It’s Umar…

Well, today i am going to share another tip covering how to get in touch with the people that contacted you, possibly for an order and they’ve put you on waiting and are not coming online now from a couple of days.

Yeah, we have faced this in some point in our career on Fiverr…

► So, here’s what I did. I messaged:

"Hey, you’re away from 3 days!

Just wanted to know if everything’s alright there!

Because you said you’ll come back in 1 day after your meetings and stuff…"


“Hi there! Yes, I had the meeting, which led to another meeting. The client told me they had a intro/outro already, so I am trying to get the copy of it so we can base any new ones on that same style. She also didn’t have copies of her logo so I am pulling the files together. I need to have the correct fonts etc. to send you. So as soon as I have the elements I will be in touch.”


"Great. Thanks!

And in the meantime, you can send me that picture you wanted to make a meme out of…

Otherwise, you can send that with the animation project as well…"


“Thank you. I’ll be able to get you something by Wednesday. Thanks for following up”


“No problemo! 🙂 I’ll be waiting…”


Easy, right? 🙂

And one more thing, people who THINK that this is spamming! If you’ve noticed, he said THANKS for following up! He didn’t say that please don’t message me, i am busy with meetings! 😉

So, do not worry about spamming, they’ve already contacted you and now you’re just following up with the situation and asking if there’s anything wrong or what that they’re not getting back…


Well, that’s all i have to say today! 🙂

Keep CRUSHING it on Fiverr, fellow sellers! 🙂

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I agree that this is not spamming if it’s on an active order or if it’s to a buyer who contacted you recently and said they’d be ordering in a day or two. I would call it spam only if the buyer didn’t order or respond and you kept on pushing them in repeat messages. Otherwise, not a bad tip.

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So, are we to expect a new, vaguely clickbaity tip from you everyday?

This tip is really just communication. But a lot of people will take it as carte blanche to inflict their poor English and selling skills on a buyer, and… etc. Your conversation with that buyer sounded like a waste of time to me, to be honest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You are welcome, but I don’t want anyone to misinterpret my comment. If your contact approach was to a buyer who had already ordered/paid and was supposed to send you info, your tip is ok.

If your suggestion involves contacting potential buyers who message but do not order, it is very risky to push them. Many are being polite but have decided not to order. Continue to contact those people would be spam and could get your inbox blocked.

I hope that is more clear: Don’t push people who message but have not yet purchased.

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If I don’t place an order I don’t want to get any messages asking me what is going on. It means I do not want to place an order.
I would be annoyed if a seller messaged me like you are suggesting.

If it is an actual order and he hasn’t messaged you in 3 days to give the information you need I would simply cancel the order. He can place an order when he has the things to give me I need to do the work.

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