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I've lost $10,000! WO IST MEIN GOTT?


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I think an above post suggested it but I cannot seem to see it now.

But I would think being able to buy insurance is a good idea to protect against chargebacks.

If an order is a large one you are particularly concerned about being a chargeback, if you could pay $10 to buy this insurance it would be worthwhile.

Obviously I am unsure on whether $10 is too high, too low or anywhere close to being the number that would be required.

If I were to get a $500 order, I would definitely be willing to pay the marginal amount of $10 to ensure it.

Perhaps it could work out at a % of the total gig. ie 10% for orders under $100, 5% for orders over $100 or something.

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So I did some digging in the forum history to see how the star stuff went. Amazing. Martyrdom, flouncing threats, lone warriors cancelling orders and confusing customers who left nonplussed due to bad explanations, idiotic buyers who think 1-star means brilliant, an ex-Fiverr CS rep being thrown to the lions (and ripped to shreds). Amazing. I haven’t actually read the petition thread yet (these are both long…), but never hurts to add a bookmark.

favicon.icoFiverr Forum http://forum.fiverr.com//images/default-apple-touch-icon.png

Petition to stop the New Star Rating System

I feel this new system will do nothing but hurt our ratings,Please help us in asking fiverr to go back to the thumbs rating.Lets save our good ratings.

Reading time: 29 mins ? Likes: 16 ❤

favicon.icoFiverr Forum http://forum.fiverr.com//images/default-apple-touch-icon.png

Vacation Day Protest, July 1st. Anti-Star Sellers unite!

Let's see if we can get organized enough to create a bit of a ripple. How many people are on board for a vacation day protest on July 1st? (I've chosen this day because Tuesdays are historically big sales days for me, and it gives us a little...

My internet is crap atm so can’t really talk between all the errors and eternally loading pages. I will be screeching at my ISP tomorrow morning… 😦

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Insurance will not guarantee anything. As this relates to the quality of work.

Formed from the market laws of supply and demand.

Will affect the price level, the level of consumer and customer satisfaction levels

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This ain’t about insurance, it’s about closing a shitty loophole that a scammy buyer can use whether or not they are satisfied with the quality of the work. The most common complaint is that this happens months after the gig is complete and the buyers were either happy, or at least didn’t complain at the time.

If you’re talking about the insurance plan mentioned above ($10 to secure payment etc), I seriously doubt that anyone who potentially invests in an insurance scheme for a large gig is going to deliver a deliberately bad service/product that falls below the standards described in their gig, which is what Fiverr asks for at a bare minimum. If they do, they’re idiots and why should anyone care if they lost payday?

Saying nothing is guaranteed is deeply, deeply redundant. Life isn’t about guarantees outside of “100% money back satisfaction guarantee!”. I think you should have spent more time thinking about what you wanted to say instead of cobbling together a platitude, something from the first minutes of an Economics 101 course and a statement that Captain Obvious would shy away from using. You didn’t even properly reference you this was directed to.

Well done. You got two shiny likes for it, too! Woo!

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I’ve seen this in a couple of past threads where Sellers have completed work for buyers months in the past sign on to discover that the buyer(s) filed a complaint and did something to get funds returned to them. I know risk is part of the game but when it comes to situations like these, its a sanity breaker. Why wait all this time to complain about an order that was delivered months ago?

A union won’t solve nor fix this ongoing issue of months later buyer complaints. Out of curiosity, why does fiverr go after the seller for these funds instead of the buyer(s) responsible for the infraction?

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Well, if you ask Fiverr it’s because they make no money out of shambles like this either 😦

Imagine, a multi-million or perhaps billion rated company passing the buck onto the people that do the work. It’s an effective model. Just look at governments, banks and anything else that has gotten “too large to fail”

I will certainly start up a post if this happens to me personally and document everything that happens. With screenshots. No strike? Eh, embarrassment will do in a pinch.

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Well, I don’t understand how this has happened. How can the buyer come in and get their money back long after the order’s completed? Is this something that actually happens here?!

Also as a sidenote, I wish I had $10,000 to lose at ANY point of my life so far, let alone freelancing on Fiverr and still have internet. I’m still JUST on the edge of poverty even though I’ve had nothing but success here. Must be doing something wrong. I THINK my prices are fair…

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