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Having Orders in Queue will increase your sale?


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i was just looking at some top rated sellers and i found lots of orders in queue, my question is simple, does having orders in Queue will increase your sale or not ?

i am a seller i don’t have any gig which is express delievery but i do every of my task at my earliest. is this a good thing or bad ?

looking forward to get answers from fiverr TRSz

Thank You!

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Some feel that having a lot of orders in a seller’s queue makes buyers think that they are very popular. So they let them build up over several days, delaying delivery.

I have found that I prefer to do them as soon as possible and I still do very well, so it is just whatever seems to work best for each seller.

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Having a large queue doesn’t necessarily mean an increase in sales. Our experience is just from the amount of orders you can get daily. Reputation, referrals, and repeat customers are great examples of what can cause a high number of orders at once. As long as all projects are delivered in time, a large queue doesn’t really matter too much. It just shows how busy one can be. Take into account the average amount of days it takes to deliver a project.

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I utilize this all the time to get sales. Pending orders in queue attracts sales, sort of like pending customers in a store. I used to do product demonstrations and still do occasionally and when one person comes over and hangs out even if it wasn’t busy for nearly 40 minutes, about 5 to 10 people come over out of curiosity because of that one person. I also noticed an increase in orders simply by leaving my browser open to Fiverr as it shows me online all the time and buyers seem more inclined to buy or at least inquire about stuff if you’re at your PC anyways.

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When I used to be a buyer more in the past I used to focus on only buying gigs with orders in queue and recent delivered orders, as well as at least some positive feedback that wasn’t from other sellers. The wait time to me is irrelevant if the quality is way better than let’s say someone delivering something in 24 hours.

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