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How do I look in my cartoon portrait?


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I changed my profile picture recently and noticed everyone started to address me as their “sir” who was previously known as “Kishan.” I am 22 years old but I do look older in it? Worrying about this because my sales started to slope down. Honest opinions are welcome. 🙂

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I can never tell much about anyone through a cartoon. I also would find age to be a non-issue when it comes to purchases unless the seller was a child. I seriously doubt the cartoon is affecting your sales unless you switched from a real photo to a cartoon. Many buyers like to see a real person as long as the photo looks professional. Otherwise, the cartoon is just fine and I can’t tell if it’s someone 18 or 38.

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Thank you Haunt. I did change my profile from a real photo to a cartoon. I wanted to keep my gigs in line with a theme (although I don’t do any cartoon designs). I see it as part of my branding strategy though. Plus, my face has a lot of pimples at the moment so a clean cartoon face is better I think, haha. 🙂 Thanks a million, I’ll see how it goes in a few days time and shall decide what to do thereafter.🙂

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