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SCAM with withdrawals?


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Hello Fiver forum!

Please help me in my problem, maybe someone knows what I can do?

9th February my account was denied, I lost access to it (I try to enter my username and password but nothing happens, I have no error or something like this).

When I tried to contact support about this problem they just ignored me.

After I read ToS, I saw this: “Sellers will be able to withdraw their revenues from disabled accounts after a safety period of 45 days, from the day of the last cleared payment received in their account and subject to Fiverr’s approval”.

I waited this 45 days (even more) and tried to contact support again, and again they ignored me, they even blocked my e-mail on customer support page and now I even can’t submit new request to them.

I must to create this new account to be able to get access to forum.

I still can’t log in and withdraw my money, on my account around $400 which was earned by me.

I am shocked because I don’t know what else I must to do to be able to get my earned money…

Why support not adhered to the ToS and where is my money???

Hope for your help and advices.

Thanks to all!

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What kind of gigs did you do for people to earn that money?

How many gigs did you do and how much was the average gig that people would buy?

Also, how long did it take you to earn the $400?

Have you ever withdrawn money fro Fiverr before or was this your first time you tried to do it?

Accounts do not get deactivated unless there was a violation of the TOS. Even though we are no customer support, if you can tell us a bit more about details we can at least try to help you figure some things out.

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Reply to @annai80:

Maybe I did something wrong, I don’t know…

Support even not tried to explain what happened and now I have no idea how I can withdraw my money…

I agree that my account denied but I need at least get my own money.

ToS says that I can do it after safety period 45 days even if my account denied.

But I still can’t do it and support don’t want to help me and explain…

I am shocked…

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Reply to @sincere18:

I sell Instagram followers and likes.

I had 1 active gig.

I earned 400$ within around 8-10 days.

I never tried to withdraw money before and account not attached to Payoneer or Paypal.

Even if I violated some rules, support must to explain what concretely I did wrong and they must give me way to withdraw my earned money, right?

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I don’t see why people are so quick to call things a “scam” regarding this site. There’s probably a logical explanation. Since you had never withdrawn money before, I’d say you probably needed to check your attached Paypal.

Since you cant access the account anymore, contacting cs is really the only route. Maybe check your Paypal, it may have atomically withdrawn at 45 days? Just a thought.

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Reply to @catwriter:

Maybe, but it’s not reason to ignore me and not reason to take my earned money, right?

As ToS says: “Sellers will be able to withdraw their revenues from disabled accounts after a safety period of 45 days, from the day of the last cleared payment received in their account and subject to Fiverr’s approval”…but I can’t do it…

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The ToS says you will be able to withdraw your money after 45 days, if your account was deleted for breaking a rule of the ToS.

However, if you were involved with illegal activity of some kind (not saying that you were, or that you intentionally knew about it), Customer Service will return the money you made to the buyers.

On another note, if you have neither a PayPal or a one of the cards, I don’t think that Fiverr will send you your money any other way.

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Reply to @help__me: What they mean by “able to withdraw their revenues” is that IF they decide that the money was legitimately earned you could get it.

During the safety period, they confirmed that what you sold was a violation of the Instagram rules. That also means the buyers could lose the invalid likes and follows, so the buyers didn’t get to keep their purchase and you don’t get to keep the money. Fiverr doesn’t get to take it either, the buyer does, so it’s not a scam. Do you understand?

To earn more money on Fiverr you will need to ask them if they will let you make a new account and sell legal and legitimate products. And, before you complain about other people selling likes - they just haven’t been caught yet.

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Reply to @help__me: but if your account was deactivated because you broke the terms of use, then you may not get your money. What possibly could you have done wrong to get your account deactivated? Have you read through all of hte Terms of Use to see what it could be?

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Reply to @help__me: Well, there are a lot of scams for gigs that promise likes to sites like Instagram, FAcebook, Twitter. How many real people were you promising to get likes for?

Also, if you never took any money before, you have to have paypal or Fiverr rvenue card or a Payoneer account I think is the third option. So how were you going to withdraw your money if you do not have a Paypal or Pioneer account?

And you do not get paid after 8-10 days, it takes 14 more days for payments to clear before you can withdraw your money.

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Reply to @help__me: but in order to get paid from Fiverr, you have to have a Paypal or Payoneer account. Or you can get the Fiverr Revenue card. Didn’t you connect some kind of account to Fiverr when you started selling here on Fiverr?

Or are you saying you do not have paypal, and you do not have payoneer, even for your own personal use before this?

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Reply to @fonthaunt:

Many buyers was satisfied and I had not bad reviews.

And I think around $400 left on my account after safety period.

Even if all fund was refunded to buyers - why support ignore my tickets??

They at least could explain what is going on.

But they just ignore me and this is not good support.

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Reply to @help__me: So you think that some of the buyers requested refunds? Even if some did, if Fiverr then looked at your gigs and found you were selling something that was against the Terms of Use, they may consider all of your gigs illegal.

Also, I thought you said above that you did not have a payoneer or paypal account.

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