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What is one piece of advice you would give to new sellers


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The most common question that seems to come up in the forums, is how do I sell my first gig, how do I sell more gigs etc. There is already SO much information around the forum, but I thought perhaps that if everyone already selling shared just one tip on what they thought was the best thing new sellers could do to make fiverr work for them, it might create a nice collaborative list of things people could refer to.

My suggestion is to think like a buyer. Look at your gig with a buyers, not a sellers mindset. Say you have a gig for logo creation, pretend you are a buyer wanting to buy a logo. Look in the logo section and see other gigs there and what draws you in to a particular gig (apart from ratings, as you can’t control that). See what makes you prefer one gig over another, is it the examples, is it the title, is it the detailed description, do you get a nice feeling from the buyers profile description, or their profile picture. Think if you were a buyer, what would make you choose your gig, over another one, as when you are new, that is what you are asking buyers to do, pick you gig over an existing one, so make it good, make it stand out and make it something people want to buy, make it something you would want to buy if you were looking for that service.

So please add your best suggestion and PLEASE DON’T SPAM this thread with a link to your gig, that isn’t a suggestion, its just annoying…

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My tip would be: give it a minute and submit your gigs to relevant buyers’ requests. Unless you are very aggressively marketing yourself off of Fiverr, you’re probably not going to make a sale on your first day or even in your first week or couple of weeks. Buyer requests is a really great place to find people that are already part way down the sales funnel and attract them to your gig.

And be POLITE. It doesn’t matter how horrible a buyer is being to you. Support is much more likely to take your side when you’re having a dispute with a buyer if you haven’t openly provoked that buyer. Even if someone is obviously just trying to take advantage of you, you can always be polite, even in your refusal to work with someone.

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  1. Research gigs before you create a gig



  2. If other people are doing it, find a way to do it uniquely. Example: Do retro logos


    (although that’s not unique anymore)



  3. Don’t offer too little or too much. Being desperate isn’t attractive



  4. Don’t promise to do things you can’t do well



  5. If your spelling sucks, remember less is more



  6. Read books about selling on Fiverr, you need all the advice you can get
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Knowledge is power, so educate yourself first.

Fiverr offers tons of tips for would-be Sellers when it comes to Gig videos, Gig quality, community activity, etc. on their blog. They set clear and easy to follow guidelines that when followed work in your favor. If you educate yourself on what they are, you will reap the benefits!

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I have been a salesman most of my life. Haven’t done a gig on divert yet,but after all my research is done I plan on it. My rules for selling anything is, be honest, always be fair,give more value than the bargained for. And my last rule is, "behavior rewarded is behavior repeated! Good luck

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