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Fiverr promotion


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Reply to @zimron89:

Unfortunately, that is not okay. Fiverr does not allow sellers to post links to offsite websites, or facilitate off-site order communication. It’s best just to leave all links out of your gig description and focus on the content that already has a listed place and use within Fiverr’s gig features.

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Reply to @zimron89:

I believe those are allowed, so long as they are posted in support of the services you offer in your gig. For example, if you create videos in your gig, and you want to show your buyers some of the videos you’ve made and uploaded to Youtube. Or if you show them a gallery page that features you other images or gig-related photos.

Posting a link as a means to promote something off of Fiverr, though, is against the rules, and could get your gig suspended, or your Fiverr account deleted.

Focus on using the resources inside your Fiverr gig first and foremost. If you can avoid posting links elsewhere, even better.

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Hi zimron89

all the advice you got so far by jonbaas and catwriter is right. I will just add that I have made a facebook page that promotes my own happyspace as well my ‘favorite’ Fiverr gigs for free. It is a way to keep in one place all my favorite ones and - why not - offer them a little promotion. I also ordered my page’s cover image from one of my favorite sellers on Fiverr.com.

What I have done, and I think this is important, is that I mention in my main facebook page’s description what Fiverr is about and link to the official Fiverr for my visitors to see. My page has ‘liked’ the official Fiverr facebook page of course as well as my other favorite FB pages related to Fiverr.com.

hope that helps

all the best 🙂


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Guest skyjumper25

Thank you for this forum as I was curious about the same things. I just started up a gig regarding verified reviews of eBooks and have got 2 orders so far in the past day. The customers seem quite pleased! I am excited to read of ways to direct more traffic to my gig! Thanks again 🙂

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