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Hello fiverr!

My name is Ross and I am from UK, studying at Brighton university for a degree in Computer Science 🙂

I am very, very poor so was looking for ways to make some extra money and here I am. I like to write and express my opinion so my gigs are based around providing reviews and bits and bobs.

I also enjoy online forums and communities so expect to catch me around the forums!


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Hi! I’m newish to fiverr.

I’m geisha (though most people call me Lacie) I read tarot and draw in kawaii style.

I came here because fiverr seemed like a good way to offer my brand of kookiness. As I do prefer doing in depth email readings than quickie phone cram as many questions as you can in

I also like offering my unique prints this way. BECAUSE who isn’t super excited to get mail?

That and I feel like a cuter more pinker version of homer pate sometimes (points if you know that)

Anyway, if you wanna say howdy…I’m around fiverr.



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Hi all! Fantastic thread reading everyone’s story and background.

I’m a fiverr newbie myself. I joined about 2 weeks ago, and I just made Level 1! :)>-

I think that’s brilliant. Fiverr has disproved all my preconceived notions of the micro job marketplace. Frankly, I’ve made Level 1, and I’ve not even finished putting up all my gigs yet! Lol. What’s more, I didn’t even have time (until now) to brag about it, cos I was busy delivering orders. Nice!

Ok, enough excitement. Hardly.

Basically, I’m a webmaster and WordPress practitioner. I hate using the word “expert”, or “guru”, because nothing is guaranteed, but I like to think I know what I’m doing. That’s why I put up my shingles on Fiverr.

I offer help to website owners, internet marketers, amazon or other affiliate marketers, people just starting out online (with their first website), or busy business people who are stuck with a nagging WordPress problem. From site concept planning, WordPress installation, to Google Analytics, to SEO work. I’ve done it, I love it.

I’ve only just started working on my fiverr strategy, and its already looking very promising. fiverr has shown to me that it is possible to make money online, in my casual wear, doing what I enjoy. It’s neither a gimmick, nor a scam. It works, One just has to work it.

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Guest wildkid

Hello everyone,

I have been selling on fiverr since more than 2 years now and my experience on this site has been wonderful. I have been paying my bills and my other expenses from this income I make on fiverr and I am pretty much happy with my sales.

My only concern is when would I become a top rated seller, so that all my gigs show up in the first page or on top of the page in the specified categories. I understand since last two years, there have been a massive growth of buyers and sellers on fiverr, which means there are more number of gigs been created everyday, so it is a bit difficult to get my gigs on top 😦

However I am happy to be one of the old members of fiverr.com and wish all the new-comers all the best in their sales !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Only been here a week, but I’m already noticing what an awesome community this is.

I have been doing my psychic readings for free a long time. I have been passionate about oracle/tarot cards, working with angels, meditating and so on and so on for a long time. And there’s still much more to discover on the spiritual front. I find this place perfect to offer my readings for a small price. I call it a fair exchange of energy 🙂

I have noticed that when I do my readings completely for free, people would get greedy , come back a week later and ask for another reading. These people do not realize how much energy I put into it. Even though if I love what I do, psychic junkies can be pretty tiring. And then people would get upset when I told them it is better to let things play out in there life a little bit before coming back for a reading on the same topic.

My hope’s for here is even more developement. Even with my line of work I can speak of a great creative outlet. I really genuinly enjoy what I do and I’m in it to help and guide people 🙂

I want to use my fiverr money to take training in spiritual developement such as reiki attunments and finding myself a decent mentor when it comes to mediumship. I am a medium as well, but find the experience a little too intense to do it on request.

I wish alll of you fiverrs good luck in your great extraordinary businesses! 🙂

Keep going =D>

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Hi all,

I’m Matt from Toronto Canada! Yes, yes, we’re all super polite and say aye a lot. 🙂 I introduced a few seasonal gigs over Christmas, then took a break when my day job (I’m a consultant) got super busy. But now it’s spring and I need to get outside and walking again.

So I just created a new gig to post flyers at University of Toronto and Ryerson University. Gotta get a bit of extra exercise into my day, and this is the perfect gig for me.

Very happy to be on Fiverr again and in the forum community. Wishing you all the best on Fiverr!



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Hello everyone my name is Kimberlee. I joined Fiverr not to long ago and just recently started doing gigs. I don’t get very many people, but I understand it takes time. I decided to join because I figured I could the things I love doing and get some cash for it. So i’m just gonna keep on truckin’ and try my best at this site. 🙂

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Hi everyone 🙂

I first heard about fiverr about two years ago from my brother who’s friend was a huge fiverr fan and a seller! Initially niethr of us believed him, but eventually he proved us wrong and my brother joined fiverr! He made couple of sucessfull sales and now I am inspired 🙂 Like everyone else I’d like to make money, but what I love THE MOST is reading different posts here on this forum! I have a really good time doing so and I feel energised and inspired to come up with something creative and fun! Reading about others experiences makes many things easier ! I love fiverr community 🙂

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Hi Fiverrers , I am new here ( lots of bites no sales) . Mom of 2 kids with soon to be 2 tuitions to pay for . In case you can’t tell by the name , if I THINK I can do it for $5 I will . It’s a no holds barred situation …moms gotta do what moms gotta do !

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i started on fiverr almost a year ago but only recently got serious about using fiverr as a seller. My dreams are to provide enough income to help take care of my family. My wife and daughter mean everything to me and if I can do a little extra side work to provide a better life for them both, I’m glad to do it. I’m thankful for fiverr for this opportunity

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Hey guys,

I’m salim Khan and i’m from India.I do SEO Task adn i have more than 5 years experience in SEO field.And we provide quality backlinks services,directory backlinks,youtube video promoter etc.I joined fiverr last year and i have to say that it’s right place to earn money easily if we have talent to do some freelance work.



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seoranks1's public profile on Fiverr

I have more than 5 yrs experience in Digital Marketing and handle many Multilingual or local Linkbuilding Seo and Google Adwords Camapaign .We also Do On-Page SEO for Wordpress, Magento, html,e commerce,joomla, bigcommerce,Etsy and Shopify sites for...

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Hello, My name is Lety and I just started on Fiverr a few days ago after seeing a blog post about it. I make and sell soap favors. I love molding soap, but have enough soap at home, so I thought that perhaps I could sell it to others. I’ve been doing so locally, but wanted to try out selling to others via the internet. Hopefully this will work out for me. Sounds like many of you have done wonderfully…I wish everyone continued success of Fiverr. 🙂

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Hi All!

My name is Ken and I just joined a few days ago as I felt bad for outranking Fiverr in Google for “Outsourcing to Fiverr” and admitting in the article I had never used them. lol

Now I am addicted!!!

But on a serious note, I have worked two decades online and have always dealt with HUGE jobs and contracts that takes weeks and months to complete. Now that I am getting old, well, quickies are starting to appeal to me as it leaves more time for naps 🙂

And on a good note, I sold my first gig just hours after posting it! Though the cash isn’t quite the same, I am sure I will adjust as the stress of years of corporate contracts and deadlines wash away.

Cheers to all!


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Hello! My name is Viser1000. I have debts and I figured out that I can pay them off if I earn 25 dollars a day for one whole year. No weekends! I discovered fiverr by typing ‘how to earn 25 dollars a day’ in google. There were some suggestions, some legit and some shady. But what I needed was a steady source of income because I have to strictly acquire 25 dollars everyday(for one whole year). Then I saw fiverr and thought why not give it a shot. Well, my dream is to pay my debts and I almost lost hope because nobody ever orders any of my gigs. Then my first customer came and it lead to another and it lead me to the forum and it lead me to requesting to have one of my gigs placed on the front page which was granted and now I have reached level one. Now if I can sell 1000 items I guess I am halfway clear of my debts. Good luck to all of us and may we all persevere in our pursuit of the dream!

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Guest matt_garry

Reply to @guitarxx: Their are a lot of talented musicians on fiverr including me I guess you should check the request bar more that’s how I get my guitar related gigs sold.

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