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About selling gigs


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What should we do to sell our gigs and what should we not do? I request to all the sellers to advice me some about selling.  And please share your  experience till now with me in their freelance journey.

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On 5/28/2024 at 2:18 AM, trombonhero said:

Hey there!

You could start by analyzing other videos related to your niche.

Which (music) genre are they using?

Which instruments are playing?

Good luck with your project!

Thank you so much for your suggestion.

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Just checked your profile, Generally looks good. but try to optimize your gigs with compelling descriptions as well as eye-catching visuals as there is a lot of GREAT designs in your category, and i would suggest to staying active on the platform can also boost your chances of being noticed. Good luck to you.

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Buyers don't hang out on the forum - sellers drive 99% of the traffic and conversations here.

And let's say even if 5 buyers come and write their process here - it will NOT help any seller. 

Because buyers don't operate with HERD MENTALITY like 99% of the sellers here. Most of them come from unique backgrounds and have their own unique needs.

While sellers here keep posting gigs with AI descriptions, post templates/copied work of others as their own samples, keep using words like 'optimize', 'eye catchy', 'persistent' etc without knowing the meaning & pronunciation of those words; and they all keep welcoming each other to the forum while posting lame chatGPT content. 

Edited by priyank_mod
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On 5/26/2024 at 7:36 PM, tyrzeen said:

Can you give me advice about the techniques used in photography?

Ans: To take great photos, follow the rule of thirds by placing your subject off-center and use natural lines to lead the viewer's eye. Experiment with lighting, like shooting during the golden hour for warm light or using a flash to fill in shadows. Try different techniques like long exposure for motion effects or macro for close-up details. Edit your photos to adjust colors, brightness, and remove distractions, and always keep practicing to improve your skills.

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39 minutes ago, shaon_design said:

To take great photos, follow the rule of thirds by placing your subject off-center and use natural lines to lead the viewer's eye. Experiment with lighting, like shooting during the golden hour for warm light or using a flash to fill in shadows. Try different techniques like long exposure for motion effects or macro for close-up details. Edit your photos to adjust colors, brightness, and remove distractions, and always keep practicing to improve your skills.


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