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Linking portfolio to sold gigs


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The new portfolio features, specially with the integration with the new professions feature, are definitely a step in the right direction.

I have a suggestion that could improve it substantially, in my view, and help it convert even more - and it shouldn't be too difficult to implement.

Right now, the vast majority of projects I have in my portfolio come from orders placed on Fiverr - but there's no way to check that from the portfolio itself. I think being able to link the portfolio pieces and their respective orders would have two key benefits, that I'll outline below:

1 - Extra social proof and trustworthiness

If a portfolio piece is linked to an order, the prospects will be able to confirm that the project was indeed made by the seller, through Fiverr, and that the price displayed is accurate (since reviews now show price ranges). Right now, sellers can make up pieces for their portfolio, and it's very hard to check if they're real projects, for real clients, or not - this would solve that problem.

2 - Buyer feedback, and how that ties in to the finished project

Certain projects in my portfolio may not reflect my own aesthetic sensibilities, or indicate creative choices that I wouldn't make myself. Pairing those projects with the sold gig would allow prospects to see the review left by the buyer, therefore helping them understand that we delivered exactly what the client was looking for - after all, that is more important than our personal opinions on the final product.

Please keep in mind that this should be an opt-in process, as naturally you can have projects in your portfolio that were not made through Fiverr.

Let me know what you think!

Edited by visualstudios
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