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I see scam bots, bots everywhere

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Since I joined Fiverr, I get around 20 messages a day from Telegram scam bots. Could you do something about it? I know that it's impossible to fully fight bots, but common, I'm not receiving nearly the same amount of scam bots on any other platform. It makes Fiverr unusable as now when I get a message on Fiverr, I don't even check it because I assume it's a scam.

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Hi @design_abysssorry to read about this experience. In this case, please report those users and contact our Customer Support team to take over. Also, if needed, take a minute to double-check our Terms of Service as well as Forum Rules, just to make sure you have everything covered in case of any dilemmas in the future. Thanks for understanding and good luck 🍀

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49 minutes ago, ana_tomy said:

please report those users

Hi Ana! Can I ask you to please pass along the message that we need the report button on the app? Whenever I get messages from scammers I can only block them because I read 99% of my messages on the app... I've been complaining about this forever. Thank you!

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Hi @zerlina84, thanks so much for taking the time to provide your feedback here on the forum and bring this to my attention. I'll make sure to pass your message to the team and let them know what would make this easier for you and other app users. I'm sure they'll look into the options and figure something out.

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