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Overbearing customers

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I used to be on a forum before and I would get someone who wanted a tune making. He would give me a link to a tune he liked and asked me to create something like it.

I showed him the tune and he said its good but could you add this for me? so I added a bassline then he wanted something else then something else. 

By the time he finished he had eight extra items added to the tune. We did agree on just a basic tune but he took advantage  for the price he paid. 

Even after I added the extra items he never paid any extra then he said I've got another job its bigger and the same price. I said sorry I'm not doing the job for that price.

He said I gave you my business and you treat me like this?  other people were far more kinder than him and paid for extra work adding.

Have you had anyone like that and dose it make you bite your lip hard?


Edited by studiopimp
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37 minutes ago, studiopimp said:

Have you had anyone like that and dose it make you bite your lip hard?

I think that sooner or later, we all run into buyers who are like that. Who think that we should roll over and do whatever they say because they were oh-so-kind to place an order.

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