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Be careful with revision deliveries and not adding anything to the delivery


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An order was 100% completed as ordered, and the buyer sent a revision request, but did not ask for any changes. Just commented on the service, which I thought he intended to be a review instead, or a regular message. So naturally I delivered the revision without changing anything, just replying to the comment. Then same happened again after a couple of days or so. Still a similar comment only on about how they feel about the order and nothing has been requested to change. So I delivered that as well without any changes, and felt like they were abusing the revision button. But that was not okay, and I got a warning for "empty deliveries".

So now I have an another order that is similar, where a buyer sent a revision request but did not request any changes. It's just been sitting there for a few weeks, despite asking the buyer to let me know what I should deliver multiple times. The funny thing is that Fiverr always says they've been online like 2 hours ago. 😑

And when asking customer support for help, they are very cryptic and gives an answer that would render the first warning not possible to happen. That if I'm sure I've initially delivered everything, I could stick to the original delivery.

Is there any way to turn revisions off these days? I remember it was possible to select the amount of revisions you offer at some point.

Edited by adsensewizard
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14 minutes ago, adsensewizard said:

And when asking customer support for help, they are very cryptic and gives an answer that would render the first warning not possible to happen. That if I'm sure I've initially delivered everything, I could stick to the original delivery.

So if you think that it would make the initial warning not possible you can try saying to CS that that was what you did with the other delivery that you got the warning for (where you had delivered everything they asked for and they hadn't specified anything to change) and see you can get the warning removed.

Though next time they comment on it rather than not specifying what they want changed I'd ask them what they want changed/what to and if they're not sure you could make a suggestion of what you could change based on their comment and ask if that's what they want you to change.

14 minutes ago, adsensewizard said:

Is there any way to turn revisions off these days?

Go to the gig edit, scope and pricing and select 0 for the revisions.

Though for custom offers someone on the forum said that selecting 0 revisions there incorrectly gives unlimited revisions and they still haven't fixed that for custom offers (as of when they posted that on the forum).

Edited by uk1000
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You can deny the buyer revisions but they will still be able to ask for them. The only correct thing you should do when someone is abusing the revision request (by clicking the button without asking any modification) is to re-deliver the same thing you have previously delivered and explain them what is the purpose of the revisions, maybe by also linking some TOS page.

Edited by samus_x
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1 minute ago, uk1000 said:

Go to the gig edit, scope and pricing and select 0 for the revisions.

Thanks! I did check that before though, and there's nothing there about revisions. Perhaps it's because I'm offering Packages and the gig is about digital marketing. Only thing the scope and pricing is allowing to change is the amount of traffic reached and regions. If I disable packages, no extra options appear. 🤔

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6 minutes ago, samus_x said:

You can deny the buyer revisions but they will still be able to ask for them. The only correct thing you should do when someone is abusing the revision request (by clicking the button without asking any modification) is to re-deliver the same thing you have previously delivered and explain them what is the purpose of the revisions, maybe by also linking some TOS page.

That might be it. Instead of not adding anything to the delivery, re-deliver everything you already delivered while also lecturing them about the revision button's real purpose.

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12 minutes ago, adsensewizard said:

Perhaps it's because I'm offering Packages and the gig is about digital marketing

I expect it's probably because of the category/subcategory. Maybe none of the gigs in that subcategory can have revisions in the gig set up (whether they have packages or not). Maybe because it's not like a normal delivery that you could change and re-deliver (since you're not delivering a file like normal deliveries but more of a service).

You could mention to CS re: the warning that your gig doesn't offer any revisions (and that the subcategory doesn't offer revisions in any gigs - if that's the case) and that you delivered exactly what was asked for and that the buyer (where you got the warning) didn't specify anything to change (like I said).

Edited by uk1000
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On 9/3/2023 at 1:30 PM, samus_x said:

. The only correct thing you should do when someone is abusing the revision request (by clicking the button without asking any modification) is to re-deliver the same thing you have previously delivered and explain them what is the purpose of the revisions, maybe by also linking some TOS page.

good way of getting a warning 🙂

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33 minutes ago, samus_x said:

Delivering what you were asekd to deliver would get you a warning? What? 

delivering the same thing all over again if the buyer requests revisions can get you a warning and eventually it will get you a warning if the buyer reports you. 

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I have faced similar situation before where a buyer took advantage of the revision request button multiple times on custom offer crossing the actual number of revisions I mentioned on the offer. Is there any way to deny these requests or limit them somehow systematically? 

Edited by sahapiyal
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1 hour ago, sahapiyal said:

Is there any way to deny these requests or limit them somehow systematically? 

not really, everything could be easily solved if Fiverr would remove that modification button after the number of revisions requested by the buyer is met, unfortunately, it's not the case at the moment. 

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I always make sure I do all the changes. If the revisions persist, I setup a meeting. Meetings always solve most of the numerous revisions.

A client can ask for a revision when he didn't understand a particular calculation or principle. When I explain through the order page and he gets it, I redeliver the same files because there's nothing to change. 

It becomes different when he asks for a revision, you don't do it and redeliver the same file without. 

Most at times to avoid numerous revisions, I send the modified files through the order page. When he's ok with it, I deliver. Though it leaves the revision open for long, it helps you aviod numerous revisions and escape a warning for trying to misuse the delivery button.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/6/2023 at 4:20 PM, Alex.M said:

delivering the same thing all over again if the buyer requests revisions can get you a warning and eventually it will get you a warning if the buyer reports you. 

Sorry for digging up this so late but my notifications sometime go MIA 😅

That said, taking into account this particular situation I was answering to, if a customer asks for revision and then goes radio silent for a while (even weeks or months), I am sure that delivering the same material would not get you a warning.

Of course this is not an all-round solution and it might not be a good idea to do it over and over again because if the customer keeps asking for revisions it probably means he actually needs them.

Oftentimes just asking CS is the passepartout for every tricky situation, especially when they get weirder than an X-Files episode. 

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