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give me some tips for how to get 100+ impressions in a day


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3 hours ago, filipdevaere said:

Getting orders is more important than getting 100+ impressions.

And then once you start getting orders, getting more out of each order becomes a priority.

I just checked my performance this year versus last year - I made the same with 18 orders this month as a similar month with 62 orders. So I'm making 3.5 times more per order than last year. Without all the headaches that come from having too many orders.

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Find someone who is promoting Fiverr as an affiliate, convince them to promote your gig (by using deeplinks which enables them to directly promote your gig). Alternatively, you can promote your services yourself through free or paid advertising, of course, you may have to refer to the terms of promotion to ensure that you are in compliance with the rules, for instance Fiverr prohibits you from promoting their platform on Google ads, likewise there may be other prohibited platforms as well as certain promotional practices that you may have to keep in mind, you just have to look it up or check with CS to confirm.

Better said than done, I know, but no pain, no gain.

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@frank_d wrote several articles to help sellers understand how Fiverr works so that they can use that knowledge to help them increase sales. You can read the articles here:




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31 minutes ago, pro_coder_manik said:

here are some tips on how to get 100+ impressions in Fiverr a day:

* **Use relevant keywords in your gig title and description.** This will help your gig show up in search results when people are looking for the services you offer.
* **Create a high-quality gig thumbnail.** This is the first thing people will see when they're browsing for gigs, so make sure it's eye-catching and relevant to your services.
* **Write a clear and concise gig description.** This is your chance to sell your services and convince people to click on your gig. Be sure to include all the important information, such as what you offer, your turnaround time, and your pricing.
* **Promote your gig on social media.** Share your gig on your own social media accounts, as well as on relevant groups and forums.
* **Get involved in the Fiverr community.** Answer questions in the forums, participate in discussions and leave reviews for other sellers. This will help you build your reputation and get more exposure for your gigs.
* **Offer free trials or samples.** This is a great way to show potential buyers what you can do and give them a taste of your work before they commit to hiring you.
* **Be patient and consistent.** It takes time to build up a following on Fiverr, so don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately. Just keep promoting your gigs and providing great service, and you'll eventually start to see more traffic and orders.

Here are some additional tips that may help you get more impressions on Fiverr:

* *Use Fiverr's Promoted Gigs feature.* This will allow you to pay to have your gig featured at the top of search results.
* *Run contests or giveaways.* This is a great way to generate excitement for your gigs and attract new buyers.
**Partner with other sellers.* You can cross-promote each other's gigs, which will help you reach a wider audience.
* *Stay up-to-date with the latest trends.* If you're offering services that are in demand, you'll be more likely to get impressions.

I hope these tips help!


Much of this has never been done by me and I get a large amount of impressions without any problem.

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