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How do you think a seller should respond to someone asking them to visit a page via their link?



I wasn't going to visit an outside link. In future, I'll just say no. But that was the first time I was asked that, and I wasn't prepared. I did immediately sense that they were spamming, but after the fact, I thought that just maybe they were legit. That thought didn't last long. I tried the link, and it was as if Fiverr knew it was spam. It had been blocked.

Later, for the heck of it, I tried the link outside of Fiverr. It opened, and it was a sales site. While the spammer/buyer was telling me they wanted someone to write multiple pages and that I should refer to the site for examples, all that was there was a set of articles about how to buy insurance. There were no other pages. Furthermore, he quoted far more than anyone would offer a person without feedback. Hence, certainly a spammer. I didn't notice their quote earlier, or I'd not have entertained the notion that they might be legit.  

To clarify, what I am asking is if you go to sites. In future, I will make it clear that I will not do that, period.

Edited by amethystblac814
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5 hours ago, amethystblac814 said:

I have them blocked now so can't refer to them by name, but imagine or imagination, followed by a number,

Are you aware that said Fiverr Forum user is a Shepherd of the Fiverr Forum?

Plus, I read the interactions between you and @imagination7413. In every case, it was you misinterpreting what she said and not vice versa.


6 hours ago, amethystblac814 said:

The email that was not shown in the forum by said clown, well, is the reason he did not show it.

Are you saying Milo did not let you show a PM on the Forum? If you did that, it breaks Fiverr Forum rule #4. And if you made the first contact, your message could have been marked as spam. 

4. Posting content from private messages and displaying that subject matter on the public forum is prohibited. Be forewarned that sending an unsolicited private message to other members may result in your message being marked as spam.



4 hours ago, catwriter said:

You can simply log out of the forum. You don't need anyone to let you out; you're not being forcefully held here.

More than the OP would be happier if she did log out of the Fiverr Forum. 🤔

My reaction to @amethystblac814's post.


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7 minutes ago, vickiespencer said:
6 hours ago, amethystblac814 said:

The email that was not shown in the forum by said clown, well, is the reason he did not show it.

Are you saying Milo did not let you show a PM on the Forum?

No, Vickie. She said Mr. Milo is a clown... (insert emoji)

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2 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

Plus, I read the interactions between you and @imagination7413. In every case, it was you misinterpreting what she said and not vice versa.

Maybe referring to this topic?


In hindsight, I'll admit that, if read in a patronizing tone, yes my words could easily be taken very poorly. (They most certainly were not intended that way, though I can admit some frustration.) 

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8 hours ago, amethystblac814 said:

imagination, followed by a number, a short while back, said something implying that those without solid English skills are not too swift.


26 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

Maybe referring to this topic?

Nothing you said in that thread reflects what you were accused of implying! 


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15 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

It's not true though. I had the opportunity to talk and connect with lots of great people here, some of which have already replied. If you don't like someone's posts you can ignore them. You dictate how your forum experience is, not other people. I was insulted by a person the other day, I respectfully disagree with their opinion and moved on. I love the forum because you get to interact with lots of great sellers. Every forest has its bad trees though... I just prefer to stay positive and focus on the things that matter to me. 

I hope all people here is just like you ... many thanks

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The other moderator banned the OP. She did ask for that, but I waited to see her future behavior since she probably asked that while being too emotional. I sent her a PM in an effort to calm down the situation, only to be attacked, but I won't reveal the rest of the conversation. The other moderator did a good job banning her because: 1) she asked, 2) she would just keep getting more out of control, and all of that because newsmike posted a graphic. That's how it all started after all. 

My opinion is that I should give more credit to experienced sellers who contribute to the forum a lot, in some cases when they might cross the line, but still give good advice. I can't put them in the same box as, for example, sellers with no sales who give false advice, or AI generated advice. That doesn't mean that users like newsmike are protected, no, he even had some warnings because of mocking, etc. 

I don't think that a good idea is to have here some sort of dictatorship where mods should hang users just for disagreeing with someone, saying their opinion, and adding a bit of humor. I deleted the topic where it all happened, the OP got her answers, but after that, only irrelevant content came as a result of an unnecessary quarrel.  

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