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New: Promoted Gigs Inbox Ads.


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1 hour ago, laur818 said:

Okay, thank you! Is it available to level one sellers because I haven't seen that option. Sorry, I haven't really been super active on the site the last couple of years so I'm still trying to catch up on all of the new features and what's changed since I've been active on here last.

I appreciate your response!

Here's what they say about eligibility.

Which Gigs can be promoted?

To ensure a quality ad experience for buyers, only sellers who meet all our quality metrics can participate in this program. 

You are evaluated for Promoted Gig participation eligibility according to the following standards:

  • You are a Level 1, Level 2, or Top Rated or Pro seller
  • Your Gig scores are 4.7 in the public rating
  • Your Gig has at least 20 reviews. Pro Gigs require only 5 reviews
  • You meet additional quality metrics

You can read more here:


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I have observed two things since this inbox ada stuff. I have received a zero organic order ( besides repeat customers of course). Second thing is the amount of clicks on promoted gigs has skyrocketed ( Again I have received 3-4 orders and thankfully by delivering quality work, they came back again).

 I am seeing a bill already piling up in just 9 days and wondering what would happen at the end of February if the numbers of clicks keeps on going increasing in people’s inbox and they ignore as a spam and it’s the seller ( Not Fiverr) who has to bear the brunt.

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On 2/8/2023 at 11:02 PM, danno1950 said:

I believe it is spam - just sponsored by Fiverr, but the same type of unsolicited contact as spam. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck - it's a duck. This walks and quacks like spam, so - it's spam.

I'm not a big fan of this initiative. And as indicated earlier, if buyers currently have no way to turn off these message - that's not good. If sellers can have Promoted gigs but without the option to turn of Inbox messages - that's not good.

Agreed! It’s just another way of Fiverr saying hey look we are going to spam you everywhere and you can’t do anything about it. 
The number of clicks and bill on my promoted gig is already gone way up- who knows what’s the bill will be when February ends.

 I have received 7-8 orders from promoted gig, converted 4 of them to repeat orders and Fiverr takes a credit for them by adding into total sales vs bill.

Another surprising thing is that I have received 0 organic order for the past 25 days almost now. The number of organic clicks are more than 1000. Let alone an order , there isn’t a single message from organic clicks. It’s literally against probability.

 I’m surprised at Fiverr’s algorithms ability in defying Maths, ah Probability.

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I don't like this. It's spam. I totally understand sellers wanting a leg up, but this feels gross and annoying to me. Most people don't like receiving unsolicited junkmail. I guess I'd be ok with it if there was an obvious way for buyers to opt out, so hopefully if they keep it they'll at least implement that.

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