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Profile Picture Confusion
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Question: Managing Multiple Gig Categories: Good Strategy or Bad Idea?
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Question: Looking for a platform or software for inventory management systems
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Can I use Fiverr + chrome Extension ? and is it safe? see screenshot
By fs_noman, in My Fiverr Experience
- 4 replies
Question: Hello, I'm SEO pbn Master working on Fiverr as on page seo and off page seo expert My level was 1 in Fiverr and success score was 8 but some days ago I gave got a notification from Fiverr that my level 1 is at risk and also my success score dropped to 0
By seo_pbn_master, in Starter Questions
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Okay, so I am a commissioned writer of erotic works who has been going for quite some time elsewhere. I am not new to this game by any means and I was thinking of moving to Fiverr. However, it seems that I require a profile picture? I've done some looking around and there appears to be some disagreement.
Some people say that it HAS to be a picture of you. A photo of good quality. Nothing else is acceptable.
Some people say that it can be art or a representation of yourself, but still needs to show you.
Others say that you can use a self-made logo which does not show your face but does reflect the services that you offer.
I have spent the last hour or so trying to figure out which of these is actually true. To be blunt, as someone who makes erotic content i am not totally comfortable showing my face. I feel that's opening myself to problems down the road and even possible harassment (Yes, that happens. it sucks.)
So have come to ask this question officially, so to speak. What exactly is the requirement for a profile picture?
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