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How are you guys in the EU and UK?


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Hey forum friends!!! Just wanted to check in on you guys (and start a new conversation that doesn't involve asking how to rank my gig).....

I was wondering how you guys are doing given the Ukraine-Russia situation? 

Reddit gets crazy discussions about cold winters and gas/heating becoming more expensive.

It probably might not be too dire but I just wanted to hear (err, read) your personal thoughts?

Hope all is well regardless of how crazy things are going now...

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56 minutes ago, theratypist said:

Reddit gets crazy discussions about cold winters and gas/heating becoming more expensive.



The electricity prices have exploded. I also live in a country that borders Ukraine, so a lot of people are afraid of the worst, especially a potential nuclear attack...

Gas prices are also quite a bit hire.. So yeah, we are not doing very well. Every government is trying to do whatever they can to try and offer aid and assistance to their citizens, but even then prices are quite a lot higher when compared to even a year ago during the pandemic. So.. we are not doing that great. I guess it differs from country to country, but prety much everywhere in Europe we have very high prices right now. And we all want this war to end. Although due to Russia's motivation and beliefs, even if the war ends I don't think we will resume getting gas from them.. Who knows. I for one hope for the best.. 

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I am from central EU and what @donnovan86 said its true. The prices went to the moon. Not just the electricity, gas, wood, pellets...also food, gasoline, construction material. Government is talking about limiting the heating with gas only daytime and only to 20 degrees celsius in some residential buildings. Annual inflation rate eased to 10% in September of 2022 from 11% in August. It will be a cold and expensive winter...


Edited by designboom
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The cost of living is definitely getting more painful in the UK, my mum is terrified of her electricity bill which was already high and it will only get higher.

So, IMO, this will only get worse, far far worse (sorry to be a downer) but the quantitative easing (QE) that's been going on for 15 or so years, banks up to their old 'shenanigans' again and rising interest rates causing huge mortgage default rates will make the 2008 crash look like a picnic. In 2008 they had the QE / magic money printer to stave off disaster. That can't be used again to the same extent due to inflation and it's partly why we're in the position we are now.

As for the Ukraine / Russia war, I think if it escalates pretty much no one will be safe, that's the thing with nukes and a NATO response. I'm now back in Tbilisi, Georgia (I hopped around for the last few months (UK, Turkey, Greece, Spain, Albania)) and I don't feel unsafe in the slightest.

Sadly I think the next six months will get far worse before it gets better, but you've got to hope for the best and plan for the worst, and of course remember, it can always be worse! As Andy Bernard / Ed Helms said in the US office...

"I wish there was a way to know you were in the good old days before you actually left them."

So, I've got a roof over my head, food in my fridge, clean water and a hot shower. My family and friends for the most part are safe and well. I'm grateful for that at least!

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10 minutes ago, williambryan392 said:

So, IMO, this will only get worse, far far worse

Bills this winter will be very challenging to deal with. But hopefully things will improve after the next 6 months. I do agree that the winter will be brutal. And next summer with less to no AC... that will be brutal too.

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I feel like I'm torn - my partner and I are fine - (for now). Sure, we're affected but not as badly as my parents back in Hungary. They are in the middle of moving (on top of everything) and the new cost of basically everything is... not necessarily something they can afford as easily as we can. (The country is... 'fun' as well, though it has been struggling madly for the past what... 12 years or so? so that's not really much of a surprise. I feel like what makes me sad is that there's only so much I can do for them.

As for the war... I'm not sure what will happen. It's hard to tell, though I'm hopeful that eventually things will quiet down a bit. 

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I live in the UK, and things here are not super - but not the worst either. 

Electricity and gas prices are sky high, and our government is far too incompetent to provide the level of support the country needs to tackle the cost of living crisis we are experiencing. They created a mini budget which completely tanked the £ worldwide, and has put us in a really unsure position. Food prices are rises, people can't get mortgages... I don't know where it ends. There is talk of potential scheduled blackouts over winter this year. 

But day to day at least we are safe. I live in the very north of the UK and daily life here hasn't changed much. It's cold, we are tough and hardy people who will get on with it. So it's nothing compared to what the Ukrainians are going through. 

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