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why impression 0




Yesterday(1 day before yesterday) my impression was about 602 but yesterday it shows my impressions to "0". Why did this happen? My gig is still ranking on the 1st page on all gig tags. I did not do any changes in my gigs. It shows "0" to my all gigs impressions.

Anyone can explain

fida bhai.JPG

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It could be that Fiverr's process hasn't been run/updated the figures correctly (if it did start it could have stopped before it finished properly). It has happened before where it didn't update for many sellers.

So you probably did have some impressions but if the process didn't update the figures then that's why.

Really they should show something there instead of it just showing 0. Maybe they could add a "no data" to the graph in a similar way to how they add "gig updated" (or something similar) to a graph (where you can see the effect editing your gig had on stats).

edit: There's probably the process that's supposed to update the stats once per day and the process that's supposed to be updating (logging) somewhere where we don't see, which then probably gets put (eg. totalled) into the stats we do see once per day. It could be that either of those processes didn't work correctly. eg. a long time ago it didn't seem to be logging the stats correctly for quite a long time (days or more) and we never got to see those stats.

Edited by uk1000
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12 minutes ago, zafar_mehmod said:

what should I do now?

Since it's probably happening to lots of people/everyone (which shows there is some issue with the system if everyone's stats are going to zero at that point) if you wanted you could contact support at the help desk about it to let them know. That way they can make sure things are running correctly and see if the stats can be updated.

Edited by uk1000
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