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Longevity of Logo/Graphic Design on Fiverr???


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Right now for the average logo designer/designers it could be the increased competition from other sellers/gigs that could be making it less sustainable than the AI software. Though if they're making things a lot easier in photo editing software eg. with AI then that will be making people use gigs for it less probably.

eg. there's >293,000 logo design gigs so that's a lot of competition. If you look in the "newest arrivals" sort you never see any with any reviews (though there's so many being added per day that they probably only show the last few days worth in there, rather than last month, unless you filter down). Filtering would probably show some with reviews.

I don't think the AIs that use text to image can be used for logos really either because

1) I haven't seen any that handle text properly and you'll probably need text for logo designs

2) They're quite low res (normally I think at 512x512 though they can go higher, but a lot of the training may have been done at 512x512) - though they could upscale,

3) They don't output vectors whereas logo designers do

4) They don't check whether there's a too similar image already existing (so couldn't be used for a commercial logo)

5) There hasn't been any laws/lawsuits yet proving they're totally okay to use (at least for commercial work).

6) Someone else could type the same thing with the same seed and settings and get the same result.  And even with different settings but with similar input text someone might get very similar results.

So maybe in few years things will be clearer and they'll be a lot better.  Maybe they could add a check to the AI to make sure that there's nothing too close to the image you create that already exists.

Edited by uk1000
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There will be changes and shift in logo design field but in the end  there will always and will be need for graphic designer , as AI cannot do a research based on little client requirement, they can never brainstorm unless they Mordok or Brainiac.

May be AI will evolve more into  some illustration style but I have get any great or plausible logo from AI images tools like dali 2.0 etc

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On 9/26/2022 at 7:54 AM, ozan_erdi said:

But A.I coming hard. Take a look at this

Although the image is awesome I hope the client won't ask to change the pose of a character or the texture of the background.

I mean, I've seen impressive works that take AI generated images and then edit and paint over it a lot, so skill is still needed.

Would it be possible for an AI to make tiny specific changes that are usually requested in such complex illustrations?

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8 minutes ago, shalock said:

Although the image is awesome I hope the client won't ask to change the pose of a character or the texture of the background.

I mean, I've seen impressive works that take AI generated images and then edit and paint over it a lot, so skill is still needed.

Would it be possible for an AI to make tiny specific changes that are usually requested in such complex illustrations?

You are correct. For now people are gravitating towards using ai and doing some polish, advanced precision or redesign for the finalisation. And that will go on for a little more. Some years perhaps? 


Imagine google search. Compare what was it before and what it is today. If it can get precise, why cant AI drawing? All in time. Saying impossible to a technology is like saying "man will never fly". Now we are conquering space. Or imagine driving, what was 50 years before and what it is now? We got smart cars, tells you where to park, how much speed you should do. Or even driverless. If driving is a nescessary skill, today you need less and less. Tomorrow you will need no more.

They will get better and they will get diverse. Some A.I's will create cartoonish, some will do comics and some will do realistic like this. There is no escaping from that. As long as there is money in it. 

To be honest, i do want this. But im afraid how fast it will be.

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25 minutes ago, ozan_erdi said:

To be honest, i do want this. But im afraid how fast it will be.

Agree with you, definitely I won't say impossible. In the last century technology has jumped forward, heck, in the last 10 years the things that we thought impossible are common like the advance on mobile phones that today are like portable PCs.

I'm sure that with time, the learning AI's may achieve something similar to creativity, I suppose that as illustrators we'll have to adapt and use this AIs as another tool in our belt.

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3 hours ago, shalock said:

Although the image is awesome I hope the client won't ask to change the pose of a character or the texture of the background.

I mean, I've seen impressive works that take AI generated images and then edit and paint over it a lot, so skill is still needed.

I agree. It would be hard if the client asked to change the pose etc. But for changing a part of the image, the seller could either try a different text prompt eg. "and a star background" instead of a "a sky background" (though that could change other parts of the scene too) or they could use in painting, where they could draw a mask (I think either in the software or have an image with an alpha channel/image to use as one where it's masked at the place you want to change) and have the AI use "in painting" to just change the area you mask. You could also combine different things with masks without using the in-painting option.

I've attached an example video


Edited by uk1000
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1 hour ago, uk1000 said:

I've attached an example video

Thanks for the video! After giving it a look I'm more towards to explore this AIs as a tool.

This kind of work is what I think when I say you still need skill to work with AI and create your composition. You can apply, like in this case, your Photoshop skills and make the AI another tool that works for you!


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30 minutes ago, grayprogrammerz said:

AI is not newly invented on fiverr. Even from a long ago, there been same system on different websites.

Maybe they had the "AI" logo type creation things (using templates?) but the text to image AIs are quite new. They're only really coming out in the last few years. Maybe especially this year. Though I assume they're not used much on Fiverr yet (except the animation one I saw).

Though for things like upscaling AI has probably been out for a while.

Edited by uk1000
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4 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

Maybe they had the "AI" logo type creation things (using templates?) but the text to image AIs are quite new. They're only really coming out in the last few years. Maybe especially this year. Though I assume they're not used much on Fiverr yet (except the animation one I saw).

Yeah new on fiverr but old on web. We been using such things like on Canva, Figma, Adobe XD etc. Community have bulks of their templates. Fiverr logo creator is same like that, just they give flexibility to buyer to do some changes, like change font color, size, image etc and buy its license.

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