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which Fiverr account is best for get early order..


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11 minutes ago, mahfuz_mredul said:

Can anyone tell me that, this old account boost more to get early order or new Fiverr account boost more to get early order?

Fiverr is not a get-rich-quick website. That's not how freelancing works. It will take time to build your success. Time, and lots, and lots of determined patience.

Edited by jonbaas
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I don't think Fiverr has given much info on the boosts that are given. I assumed it was the gigs that were given the initial boosts rather than the seller accounts.

If you haven't delivered for almost 2 years that may make some buyers think you aren't still available. For your existing account (whether you add a new gig or not) sending offers to buyer requests you can do well should help since they'll know you're still available.

So you could create a new gig on your existing account and send offers to BR, if you still don't get orders after a certain amount of time maybe closing the account and starting a new one (checking the rules on that first) may help.

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@mahfuz_mredul -

Once you start treating your business as a business, you can grow your business just as fast as anyone else who takes their business seriously. @jonbaas is right in the fact that freelancing requires time, effort, and determination to see success.

I personally had my Fiverr account 2.5 years before I posted any gigs on it and it has only helped me level up faster because the day I posted my first gig, I was already considered an active seller for 2.5 years.

It doesn't matter how old your account is, when you post a new gig, it is treated as a new gig. New gigs have no data and have to be built up from scratch. The minute you post them, this alerts the system that you are "active" and it starts to collect data on the gig and your account. @uk1000 also mentioned ways to start showing Fiverr's algorithm that you are taking a more active role in your business, such as making offers to buyer requests. Responding quickly to inquiries is another way to start showing you are serious about your business.

I would also put a note in your bio that you took a 2 year break and are now back in business so that buyers know why there's a long gap since your last order.




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