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How I get my promoted feature back on fiverr. Its my experience so you can also try on your own risk.


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I had my promoted gig feature disabled for almost a month and I was worried what to do? I tried many different tactics but nothing worked. tactics like changing gig image, changing title and all that sort of stuff. But then i had an idea to leave the profile online from my laptop. Then I sarted getting online from my laptop and never closed for almost 5 days approx. And all of a sudden my promoted feature was back on the sixth day in the afternoon. Well as i said that's my experience that i am sharing but you can have your own opinion about it.

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1 minute ago, yaabulfazil said:

Well as i said that's my experience that i am sharing but you can have your own opinion about it.

We do have our opinion on this. 
As you could see on the notification that your promoted feature was unqualified because of the drop in your performance and not fulfilling additional criteria anymore. Changing your gig images etc has nothing to do with your performance and of course wouldn’t change anything. 
As for staying online I am also super sceptical because most likely if it’s been over a month then the back feedback or whatever other metrics that you dropped, just rolled out of the period that was taken into account for your performance. (Similar to your dashboard statistics) 

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i am a level 2 seller with just 6 gigs of which 2 seemed active, i was promoting just one. the promotion has being Useless for over a month, sort of bugged cause there was no impression or clicks from it, 2 weeks ago i got a notification the gig is no longer eligible for promotion. I felt , 'well that's okay, not like it was working before" but then the backlash was pretty crazy, my 2 active gigs both on first page in their niche have dissapeared from search result for over 2 weeks now, impression per day has dropped from having at least 600 imprressions per day to now having within 0 to 9 impressions per day. and this actually affected all the gigs in my account, looks like a bug virus to me lol, i use to get orders and messages but now my account is literally dead and unfit for work. i would really appreciate if theres anything i can do to bring my gigs back up.



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1 minute ago, freelancer_emmy said:

looks like a bug virus to me

It’s not. Promoted feature being unqualified is not the cause of your low impressions, it’s an indication. 
As you could see on your notification that you don’t fulfil anymore additional quality criteria for having promoted gigs. So that means that you performance dropped and one of your hidden metrics or reviews got bad. And your performance dropped then of course that will also affect your organic search as it’s based on your performance. 

Promoted feature having zero impressions and clicks also might have place to be because it’s build on top of your gigs and if your gigs already doing so so then promoted feature also wouldn’t have any impact. 

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thanks for the response 😉 but then just one gig was removed from being promoted, other gigs were doing perfectly fine before this, but now all of the are now at 0 impressions. at least only the gig having promotion issues was meant to be affected, and from some forum i checked through in here, there's being people with exact similar issues since last year

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2 minutes ago, freelancer_emmy said:

at least only the gig having promotion issues was meant to be affected, and from some forum i checked through in here, there's being people with exact similar issues since last year

Nope, your performance never affects only one gig, it has an impact on your whole account. The same as visible metrics, if you completion ratio goes down just because you cancelled an order on a specific gig it still affect your whole account. 

and yes, there are always sellers who complain about bad sales, promoted feature unqualified etc, but there is always a reason for it. 


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