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So I had an order and finished the order. The buyer decides after I complete my order that they don't want to pay for it and they want a refund. I tell the buyer I don't offer refunds, but I am happy to revise the letter I wrote as stated in the gig description. The buyer contacts CS, I contact CS. CS sends me a message stating that they have reviewed the order and I followed the gig description and of course they won't force a refund as long as I followed the description. Next day, CS has cancelled the order and refunded the buyer. (I thought that CS had changed their initial response, but perhaps not; however the initial response gave me the impression they were going to support me on this one.) The buyer outright lied to CS to get the order cancelled. They stated I had sent them two revisions when I only sent one. They stated I had copy and pasted text when I did not copy and paste anything. Seriously...

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I never saw CS agents adjusting tickets like that. But you should’ve also received an email with the copy of their message and that they for sure can not adjust. 
So maybe it’s worth checking your email and sending them a screenshot of it and also a screenshot of plagiarism checker to show that the content is yours 

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It's not even "content" persay, it's a personal letter. They are accusing me of copy pasting from the inbox conversation, but I merely included details (not word for word) after they said the first letter didn't contain enough of the details they sent me. They told customer service I copy pasted; they didn't accuse me directly. They told me my English wasn't good. I have a master's degree in English and was born in and have lived in the middle of the US my entire life. There is nothing wrong with my English...

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I think I may be wrong about the CS changing the ticket. I had the impression I was strongly supported by CS on this one, and then when I went back, it seemed more like a canned response. I do feel extremely wronged. This buyer can easily take their refund and go use my letter anyway, which is why I state no refunds in my description.

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34 minutes ago, newspoet said:

CS has cancelled the order and refunded the buyer. 

Collect all proof of your work and if necessary open a new ticket. Also send screenshots of the message you received from CS. If you did the work as described in our services you must keep your position. Ask them to the "Relevant Team" analyse it and share all screenshots.

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I'm really discouraged and disappointed with the whole thing. The buyer placed the order, I followed the order. I followed my gig requirements. I write professional letters. This buyer wanted an appeal letter to take an exam over. She provided a narrative of the extenuating circumstances. I wrote a concise letter within the scope of my gig description, delivered on-time and over word count. She immediately complains the letter isn't good, doesn't have enough details, she doesn't have time for a revision and it wouldn't be good anyway, etc. I explain that according to my gig description, I am happy to revise to satisfaction, but I don't offer refunds, because the client can just ask for a refund and steal my letter. I add more details from her narrative to the letter, even though I was already well over word count. Keep in mind this letter is supposed to be from her detailing her experience, so I am adhering pretty closely to her facts and her narrative style.

Of course she decides to contact Customer Service immediately when I wouldn't refund. I contact Customer Service and they claim to have reviewed my order and understand my point, and encourage me to keep conversing with the buyer. I send one revision in good faith and ask if that is closer to what she wants. She responds that she doesn't like that one either because "the English wasn't good." I am a native English speaker who has two degrees in English and has lived in the Midwest my entire life. There is nothing wrong with my English.

She contacts Customer Service and tells them that it was poor quality and I copy pasted most of the letter (which is not true). She also lies that I have sent her two revisions when I only sent one (my gig offers 2 free revisions up front). Customer Service cancels the order and refunds the buyer. When I contact them to complain, they state that the buyer complained and provided evidence that I copy pasted the letter and that the relevant team decided to refund since the work was poor quality. I have a Master's Degree in English. I have been nominated for a Pushcart Prize in Poetry. This was a letter I would have proudly submitted were I in her situation. No reasonable person could claim this letter was poor quality. I did not copy and paste anything, but I was trying to include her details in her voice in the letter...that was the assignment.

I am so pissed I can hardly concentrate on anything else. I have had lousy experiences with CS until I joined Seller Plus and then had wonderful experiences with CS. I cancel Seller Plus after I decide it is not worth it and CS is immediately lousy again! Now my completion rate is 83%. My orders have dried up, but they want me to remove the cap on my promotions so I can pay for more impressions that have been denied me with their other hand/algorithm. I have taken several Fiverr Learn classes and seen no change in impressions or anything else. I apparently am not eligible for Seller Plus anymore, even though my personal coach told me to sign back up if I decided to use it again. The buyer claimed to be in a time crunch, and I'm 90% sure she'll use my letter anyway. Fiverr CS just potentially facilitated theft on behalf of the buyer, and I feel the exploitation of Sellers borders on the criminal... 

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13 hours ago, newspoet said:

This buyer wanted an appeal letter to take an exam over.

13 hours ago, newspoet said:

She also lies that I have sent...

I don't know what narrative was provided for why she should be permitted to take the test, but if she's lying to CS, I wouldn't be surprised if the tale she gave you was a lie as well AND that she might very well be cheating in an academic setting. If I were you, I'd be far more concerned that Fiverr canceled the order due to 'providing an academic service'. I get that this is a blow, both to your finances and your statistics, and that this cancelation will affect your account for at least 60 days, but this might be an opportunity to setting yourself up on other freelancing platforms, both to mitigate this impact and to have something to fall back on, should Fiverr decide you broke the Community Standards rule.

I honestly hope this kid gets caught in school. I don't know what degree she's going for, but being unable to draft one's own letter of appeal doesn't seem like college graduate material to me.

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2 hours ago, imagination7413 said:

If I were you, I'd be far more concerned that Fiverr canceled the order due to 'providing an academic service'. I get that this is a blow, both to your finances and your statistics, and that this cancelation will affect your account for at least 60 days, but this might be an opportunity to setting yourself up on other freelancing platforms, both to mitigate this impact and to have something to fall back on, should Fiverr decide you broke the Community Standards rule.

I doubt writing an appeal letter is considered providing an academic service. It's not a homework assignment. It's not for a grade in a class. I have a professional letter writing gig. I'm not writing class essays or reports. I'm a teacher, and I don't think helping someone craft a letter of appeal is unethical.

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16 hours ago, newspoet said:

I apparently am not eligible for Seller Plus anymore, even though my personal coach told me to sign back up if I decided to use it again.

Update: I am magically eligible for Seller Plus again... I wish I understood how these eligible/not-eligible switches were toggled on Seller Plus, Promotions, etc.

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2 hours ago, newspoet said:

I doubt writing an appeal letter is considered providing an academic service. It's not a homework assignment. It's not for a grade in a class. [...] I don't think helping someone craft a letter of appeal is unethical.

You have a point.

I don't know you. I don't know her. I'm glad to hear you have your own code of ethics. I'm sad to hear your Buyer doesn't.

(Also, much respect for your position as a teacher, especially in these times.)

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You are dealing with one cs agent and the buyer with another.  Your agent checked the order, the buyer's agent didn't. 

This kind of thing makes me incandescent with rage.  The very least CS could do before cancelling an order is check it. 

Here's the relevant clause from TOS:

"Orders are not eligible to be cancelled based on the quality of service/materials delivered by the Seller if the service was rendered as described in the Gig Page. Buyers may rate their experience with the Seller on the Order Page, including the overall level of service quality received."

Quote that, take screenshots of your conversation with the buyer, the agent *and* attach the lettter, insist on escalation and, if necessary involve your SSM, if you have one.

Bear in mind the letter still belongs to you if they haven't paid for it.

You should be compensated the full amount.

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