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Inbox Bug




So it just happened to me that I can't see any messages in my inbox. You can see in the image attached that I have messages from client but when I open the chat I can't see anything.. I also see the notification on my phone but I can't reply because the same issue is in the app?


This is the first time something like this happened? I know I should report to the support team but it will take 5 days to get a reply...


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3 answers to this question

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Already faced the same issues there. Already notified this marketplace support team members, but even today I can't send my buyers custom order requests too. Now everything works fine.

Already made a video for this marketplace support team member, and now they are checking and maybe take sometimes for solving this. 

Getting their ( support team member ) first response purpose, I always did this way, reach their FB verified page inbox section then share my ticket number with them, after reaching there one of their team members response back to me here asap. 

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