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Why is my gig not appearing?


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So I searched for my own LinkedIn gig (I know this can be a flawed approach).

If I search for LinkedIn profile and filter to level 2 and UK based I get nothing.

If I search for Linked profile optimization and filter to level 2 and UK based I find my gig.

I'm guessing I'm missing out because I have 'optimization' in the title but I'm really not sure!

If anyone has any thoughts I'd love to know, and I hope you don't mind me calling on you directly but @frank_d I'd love to hear your opinion on this! (Pretty please and thank you!!)


Screenshot 2022-05-13 13.25.25.png

Screenshot 2022-05-13 13.22.32.png

Screenshot 2022-05-13 13.21.25.png

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Hey there!

I was summoned! 🙂 

So this feels like a relevancy issue. You seem to be searching for a specific phrase but at the same time your gig's title, your #1 weapon, is phrased completely different.

It is possible that Fiverr's algo is missing the nuanced difference between the two sentences completely.


How are your impressions looking? What was your original title, which can no longer be edited? Did you update the SEO to match the phrase you are using when searcing?


If you only come up after you start clicking on filters, then your gig is defintely not optimized.

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And like a genie you appear, thanks a lot, I appreciate it!!

Impressions range from 200-400 per day. It's dropped a little since I updated a week ago.

Origina/uneditable/URL title was 'linkedin-profile-optimization-writer' but I changed that immediately to 'I'll make your LinkedIn profile incredible' and I updated SEO when I changed it.

On 5/13/2022 at 5:54 AM, frank_d said:

You seem to be searching for a specific phrase but at the same time your gig's title

You're right, and if I search for my gig title I appear on the front page.

Interestingly the TRS in the shot below has an almost identical gig title and does appear under 'linkedin profile optimization'.



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Just now, williambryan392 said:

Ah ok! I recall reading that you shouldn't use the same words for your tags as you do in your description, but I guess I went a little too far with this you think?

Thanks Frank, really do appreciate you spending 15 on this, it's decent of you!

There’s double dipping, which is bad and then there’s an irrelevance Issue from adding completely different tags.

Your “competitors” don’t use the same key phrase from their title as tags. But they are adding linkedin relevant tags almost exclusively.

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6 minutes ago, williambryan392 said:

100%! I've made the changes now, tags are super relevant I think. Here's hoping!

Give it some time to propagate. You should start seeing a difference after about a week, 10 days in both impressions and how you appear in search results.

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You're a hero Frank! Yep, I'm still not showing for LinkedIn profile, even with filters, so guessing it takes some time.

One interesting thing I did notice, is that depending on filters and search terms my gig is sometimes fiverr choice and sometimes it's not. I had assumed that it was either choice or it wasn't, but I guess it's choice for some searches and not for others.

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