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Starting a business, the Fiverr way


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When I first found out about Fiverr, I was cautiously optimistic. I had high hopes and lofty dreams but it was also a dark period in my life where the economy and various other factors at play had me wanting to give up hope many times. Reviewing the site, sellers, and stories people had posted of their success here, I knew I had no choice but to go all in. From the very first day, hour, delivery, I knew that what I was looking at was special - there was an opportunity to make something big out of something small. I started this seller profile with the idea that it would become an actual, full-fledged legitimate business. My goal was always to become a Top Seller. All that was needed was ambition and the will to put in the work. We are not Top Sellers in the Fiverr sense of the phrase, not yet - but we are truly Top Sellers in the spirit of the idea.

Over the past months I have done my best to stay true to that idea, even when things looked down. There were points where orders were low and the hours were long, but I pushed on. Fast forward from then to today - ‘adversity’ has expanded from one person’s idea to a group of people working together. My computer desk shifts from a living room to an office in a new headquarters. "…if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

I did not do this by myself. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reason why I am here and writing this today is because of the people around me - friends, family, and the Fiverr community. People who believed in us. People who gave support when it was needed the most. For anybody clicking this today and reading, I have one thing to say to you - never give up.


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