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No luck till date ? Does Fiver really gives you the orders ?


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Hi, All I am Ms. Amber Syed a graphic designer with an experience of over 7 years, recently joined FIVERR and working as a freelancer, I have not yet received any orders till date am I missing something?. My expertise includes ADOBE PHOTOSHOP, ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR, ADOBE LIGHTROOM.





Please visit my gigs and recommend for me in case anyone has got some work.


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No, fiverr doesn’t give you the riders. Fiverr is simply a platform where you can showcase your work. And wether you can sell it or not depends on you. It’s the same clients, real people, who are interested or not in your services and if they find it attractive enough. Just having your gig open is not enough. The same as opening a restaurant in not so busy area is not enough, people wouldn’t just stumble by accident on it, you will have to attract your clients. 

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Fiverr doesn't give you orders. Fiverr gives you a chance to attract buyers with your skills and portfolio. It's up to you to figure out how to stand out in an oversaturated category (everybody and their uncle and their uncle's dog claims to be a graphic designer these days) and prove to potential buyers that you're better than tens of thousands of others offering the same services.

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On 12/7/2021 at 2:38 AM, ambersyed said:

I have not yet received any orders till date am I missing something?

In my opinion, one of the most important things as a new seller is researching your gig category. I would suggest you simply search your own keyword( like Photo-editing ) and see what's your fellow sellers are doing. by that you will have a idea what you are actually missing!

as @mariashtelle1 said Fiverr is just a marketplace, where you can showcase your work, you have to standout as a seller:)


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