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Buyer Ordered Gig, I delivered the order, then he canceled and blocked me.


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Why does Fiverr allow for this kind of activity? The worst part is that Fiverr will automatically penalize my gig for this. The buyer scammed me and got my delivered work for 80% off, by cancelling it after delivery. This is unacceptable. I cannot do business on Fiverr anymore. What a horrible website.

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10 minutes ago, bionicperson said:

It's not worth continuing to use FIverr, if it allows buyers to scam you, and even penalizes your gig when it happens.

I won't be doing business on the site, anymore.

Just remember that this experience you've had is the minority of buyers that you will encounter on Fiverr. Most Buyers aren't scammers however they are out there on any platform that you will use.

As a Seller, choosing who you work with is just as important as a Buyer choosing a Gig they want to purchase.

I target my Gigs to specific demographics and vet new clients before I start working with them. I don't want to partner with Buyers that are going to be difficult, unpleasant, or going to cause problems, and I think it's relatively easy to notice red flags that should put you off working with someone.
If they have poor communication skills, can't effectively tell me what they want, or don't seem to know what they want, I politely decline.
If they try to haggle my prices on the first point of contact, I'm not interested and politely decline.
If they have the 'boss' mentality and think they can speak to me or treat me like they're my employer just because they're paying me to perform a service, I politely decline.

There are many 'red flags' that will just instantly create a bad vibe. If you get the feeling something isn't right or just don't want to work with someone in particular, don't be afraid to let them know that you don't think they would be a good fit for you and to wish them luck finding another seller that would be better suited to them.

The more you use the platform, the more you will get a feel for who is going to be a great client, and who the kind of people you want to avoid are. In turn, this will make your experience much better and you'll hardly ever encounter scammers or buyers that just aren't nice to work with.

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1 hour ago, mbappi00 said:

There is a lot of fraud byer in fiverr. Fiverr is strict to the seller but not the byer. Fiverr should take action to this type of fraud byer. 

That's exactly my point. The fact that Fiverr allows this type of activity, and there is nothing you as a seller can do about it, means that it's a garbage website that I don't want to be apart of. There isn't even a customer service phone number or email for Fiverr. I am taking my business elsewhere.

Everything is 80% off on Fiverr, and you will spend hours on a delivery and not be paid, and there's nothing you can do about it. Fiverr also does not care. Why would anyone want to do business here?

Edited by bionicperson
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14 minutes ago, bionicperson said:

That's exactly my point. The fact that Fiverr allows this type of activity, and there is nothing you as a seller can do about it, means that it's a garbage website that I don't want to be apart of. There isn't even a customer service phone number or email for Fiverr.

Fiver doesn't allow this kind of activity though, if you're patient for a few days, are polite with customer support and provide clear evidence that you've delivered what you said you would, they will resolve your issue. There's plenty you can do as a seller, as I previously mentioned, making sure you only work with credible buyers is one of them.

16 minutes ago, bionicperson said:

Everything is 80% off on Fiverr, and you will spend hours on a delivery and not be paid, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Of course there is a fee for using Fiverr as a platform. How on Earth do you think they would be able to make a profit as a business and cover their operating costs? For that fee, you get the benefit of reaching a worldwide audience. Have a reputable platform to ensure that both parties are protected. Have customer support in place to assist you. Plus many, many other benefits.

19 minutes ago, bionicperson said:

I am taking my business elsewhere.

That's your prerogative, but if this is your reaction to one bad experience, I can't say that you would be particularly missed or that the platform would be successful for you anyway. If you want to throw your toys out of the pram and go and sulk, cool bro. But that doesn't mean that Fiverr is such a negative experience for everyone just because you've unfortunately been scammed. You've clearly not even attempted to resolve the issue with support and keep a clear head about the situation.

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You want to do Fiverr's work for them. They charge 20% on every sale and they don't even have a customer support phone number or email

They shouldn't allow buyers to cancel orders after they have been delivered. And situations in which the wrong or incorrect delivery has been made should be flagged and reviewed by a customer support team. That's how it works at every other business. Fiverr doesn't have that, because it's a garbage platform. What are we paying 20% for?? This is a huge issue that exists in the platform, and instead of wanting Fiverr to fix it, you defend Fiverr's crappy system and take up more unpaid work to compensate for it.

What do you get out of the 20% you pay to Fiverr?

Edited by bionicperson
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1 hour ago, joshnadin said:

Of course there is a fee for using Fiverr as a platform. How on Earth do you think they would be able to make a profit as a business and cover their operating costs?

I was saying that the buyer gets 80% off after he cancels the order upon receiving the delivery and blocks the seller. Fiverr still takes their 20% cut. The seller gets nothing. This is allowed on the Fiverr platform. You think that is a good feature?

Edited by bionicperson
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2 hours ago, bionicperson said:

I was saying that the buyer gets 80% off after he cancels the order upon receiving the delivery and blocks the seller. Fiverr still takes their 20% cut.

If I remember correctly and if they haven't changed it, buyer gets it all back (possibly minus the service fee), and Fiverr loses their cut, too.

Have you tried to check the buyer's profile? Not to message them, just to check if their profile is still there (just in case, you can try to do it in incognito mode, as well)? If the buyer's profile no longer exists on Fiverr, the most likely explanation is that the buyer did a chargeback and Fiverr banned their account.

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20 hours ago, catwriter said:

If I remember correctly and if they haven't changed it, buyer gets it all back (possibly minus the service fee), and Fiverr loses their cut, too.

Even better. All gigs on Fiverr are 100% free! The buyer can just cancel the order after it's been delivered and then block the seller. Fiverr will then punish the seller for it. Isn't Fiverr great?

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23 hours ago, bionicperson said:

They charge 20% on every sale and they don't even have a customer support phone number or email

They do have email, as this has been provided to you previously. Unfortunately, as with the majority of business in this day and age, they do not have a telephone number. The resources and money it takes to have a contact center with support being able to speak everyone's language in order to communicate effectively would mean they would have to charge way more than 20% in order to provide this service.

23 hours ago, bionicperson said:

They shouldn't allow buyers to cancel orders after they have been delivered.

In the majority of situations, no. However, if I myself was a buyer and I had been scammed by a seller I would want the opportunity to get my money back at a point past accepting delivery. If buyers could not do this at all, many would prolong accepting the delivery in fear of something not being right and not being able to do anything about it, which in turn would make the who process rather painful.

23 hours ago, bionicperson said:

What are we paying 20% for?? This is a huge issue that exists in the platform, and instead of wanting Fiverr to fix it, you defend Fiverr's crappy system and take up more unpaid work to compensate for it.

What do you get out of the 20% you pay to Fiverr?

Lol, where are you getting the idea that I take up unpaid work? I have never in my life performed work that is unpaid. You should try running your own business. I have buyers on my own website, I use other platforms, and there are operating costs for each and every one of them. In business, there are times when you're going to lose out on revenue, it happens. The way in which you deal with it is what's important. I factor the 20% fee into my prices, so I'm happy with the amount of profit I make on each order.

What do I get out of Fiverr's 20% fee? Well, I generate $1000's in profit each month by reaching a worldwide audience that I otherwise would not be able to reach. Would I prefer to pay less of a percentage? Sure, who wouldn't. I like money! However, do I think 20% is unreasonable for what's provided? No.

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Well. It seems Fiverr has not penalized my gig, after all. My percent cancelation was adjusted a few days ago.

I'm not sure what happened.

This incident has made me edit my gig, though. I have now doubled the cost of my gig, and I put in the description that repeat customers can receive 50% off.

So, this is just to incentivize repeat customers. Also, it's easier for me to run the gig for someone a second time (just how the process is set up) than to start from scratch with a new customer. So the increase in price and also the discount makes sense that way, too.

I don't make a lot of money on Fiverr. This is just a thing I'm doing on the side to see what might happen. You can tell my gig is not a scam. I have 4 5-star reviews so far. It is being well received.

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