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About mbappi00

  • Birthday 10/20/1987


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  1. Many times clients want to see some previous works from the sellers. So I have created a website which I have many sample of work. ( my website have no contact information ) Now my question is can I send my website link to my client during conversation?
  2. There is a lot of fraud byer in fiverr. Fiverr is strict to the seller but not the byer. Fiverr should take action to this type of fraud byer.
  3. you are absolutely right Grammarly help us a lot. Beside I personally use wordtune. If you are creating a gig on fiverr it helps to get proper word for gig description.
  4. If your gig is good. Then you get rising star within a few minutes after publishing your gig and your gig will be show in first page. I think there is no time system to rank fiverr gig ❤️
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