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A reminder to take that weekend (or week) off!


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I'm back - after three weeks of being on and off site, test no.1 of 'how to live abroad and still work' was completed. Can't say it'll be easy - but it's a start! But here's the thing - I ended up 'letting go' for the last week (I was still volunteering so technically still worked...a lot...) but I didn't force myself to write like before. And why?

Because I deserve it. Because most people understand 'delays might happen because I'm on vacation for a week). It's not a sin to want to do something fun once in a while! And - it certainly helped with my writer's block! I feel much better about really just... everything, I guess? I did deliver a few quick orders but tried not to stress much about them - left that for LATER (which is now, to be fair. And... I came back much more inspired than before. But I know what you might be thinking - what if I can't travel (for various reasons?) Still. Take that weekend/week off. Don't be like me! (from November untill July, I only took Christmas and New Years off - I wrote every other day (sometimes a lot, some others not much, but the point is, I never said 'fine, today I'll do something else.) Even if you're stuck at home, do something else - order a nice dinner (or just cook something fun, watch a few movies, rest. You'll feel better after.

(...and here are the main stars of the post. Travel pics!)






I can't believe I found this post on the third page already!! 😅 Yessss, a good reminder for us all to indeed take that break! More reasons not be online always hahaha!


Lovely pictures by the way 

10 minutes ago, theratypist said:

I can't believe I found this post on the third page already

Yeah looks like there's tons of posts today ha. 

Exactly though! Work is important (and yeah I am a bit backlogged and have a lot to catch up on!) but it drives you insane to stare at the screen all day (and all night!)

(Malta is fantastic by the way, I did see most of it for free but it's actually not that pricy either ALTHOUGH! I didn't have much luck with the food (but it's probably a me thing haha)



Thank you so much for the wonderful post! 

I agree with you completely! It is very important to remember to take some time off and simply pause and take care of ourselves.

Also, your pictures are amazing!

5 hours ago, zeus777 said:

You got any food ( or booze ) pics from your vacation? 😁

Booze was not allowed as we worked with kids (tbh in the heat that was for the best. People ran around with pineapples filled with booze which made me jealous but also... It was 40 degrees outside on rocky beaches!







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