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My first two days off in three years


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Ah – the time has finally come! I’m going away for two whole days! It’ll be my first days off in three years. This is life when you do translations, copywriting, voice-overs and run a newspaper at the same time. Can you believe I did all that while working part-time as a waiter AND running my own bar at the same time, before the pandemic? I know – neither can I.

For me, personally, staying at home has actually been good for me. Never again will I work for someone else. Never again will I have a boss.

I do a lot of business outside of Fiverr, too, but it’s thanks to this great platform (and some arduous work!) that I now have the opportunity to work from home without worrying if I can pay my next rent.

I’m a workaholic, and I’m hopeless: I’m buying a new laptop tomorrow, just so that I can get some work done while at the hotel. :rofl:

When was your last day off?

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As a former newspaper owner/publisher, I can tell you that either you are a master at time management, or you have a clone or two.

That’s an impressive set of skills you have.

You deserve a couple of days off!

Yes, it’s taking up a lot of time. However, I’m not in print so I don’t have to run after the printers all day, like a few other editors I know. I guess you could call me a “master at time management”, but the secret is simple: work, all the time. When I’m not sleeping, I’m working. I guess you can relate to that.

But time management is important, no doubt about it. I also try to do as much as possible digitally, and that helps. On the days that I have to travel, I rarely get much done.

So these two days is needed for sure. Thanks!

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