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SEO search term confusion


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Hi all,

I am a bit confused over how SEO works.

My gigs name is :“I will search and apply to 80 legendary jobs for 5 dollars”

My SEO words are: “search apply linkedin indeed job applications”

When one searches “search apply jobs” I appear on the second page.

However, when one searches “Job applications” I do not appear at all.

I thought that since all of those words appear in my title / seo words, I should at least be included in the search results?

Can somebody help clarify to me what I am doing wrong?


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Welcome to the Fiverr forums.

Your gig tags are [search] [automatic] [job] [linkedin] [apply]. Maybe replace the third one, [job], with [job application]. That might get you the results you’re looking for.

Please see: Top 5 Tips to Protect Yourself from Badly Behaved Buyers

Also, please see (IMG) point 2: Basics to Improve Your Gig. A helpful breakdown and guide

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