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Guys...Can i buy gigs from fiverr inorder to increase my fiverr sale..will it help..? [ARCHIVED]


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Plz Do not spam i need a honest answer from anyone or even from the seller…

because being in fiverr for last 45 days and having a single sale is not good for me…

and i have got to spend only little time on fiverr inorder to promote my gig can i buy any gig with ideas of promotion or something like that…???

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The secret for selling on Fiverr is that there is no secret. It’s about creating a gig that people want, and then to show them that it is a good deal for $5.

I think there is a room for improvement with your gigs. Take a look at some of the sellers on this site. Obviously, your products are different, but look at how other sellers use photos and video. Just throwing up a video and photos will not get you sales.

If you’re not getting sales it’s one or both of A and B below:

A: You’re not selling something anyone wants

B: You’re not communicating that what you’re selling is worth $5

If you satisfy A and B, promotion will take care of itself.

Good luck!

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I don’t know if buying promotional gigs on fiverr is effective. I’ve tried solo ads and only got clicks, no conversion. I’m also hesitant about purchasing flyer gigs and twitter gigs. Flyer gigs offer little proof of completion, and twitter promotions could contain fake followers. I’m not saying all those gigs are shady, but they’re not for me. Most of my sales came from being on the homepage, repeat buyers, and referrals.

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Guest sheikhsabayyal

Your main focus should be on making reputation forst instead making money. Offer something extra oridinary for first 5 sales atleast and deliver more than the expectation of the buyer.After you get some good feedbacks you may edit your gig then. I didso when I was a new seller

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Reply to @oldbittygrandma: As Taking The Advice from grandma…

i made my changes in the http://fiverr.com/dins_cool/create-title-effects-like-burning-text-and-flames gig…and also made changes according to your review…

1.Made a text like burning with fire background music…

2.I made a simple title for my gig without exposing my expertise work on the title…

3.I have made my changes by viewing my gig from buyer’s point of view…

4.I have reduced the amount of sparkles in my video…

5.I have a smooth happy music for my gig…

6.I have given a stable music bed…

7.I have made 4 samples as of now…and will be adding 3 samples per day to my youtube account… http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCop6pq2m_GQYRn7P8b3LA5g?feature=mhee

8.I have took the “so on” and made a simple title

ma’am i think i have rectified most of the advice given by you…

now take a look at my gig and plz tell me the feed back…


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