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What are Your "Awesome Client" Experiences?


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Hello, everyone! We have seen lots of negative experiences with buyers around here - time for something a little bit different! :star_struck:

What are your “awesome client” moments? It can be a buyer who tips you generously or is an exemplary human being - or perhaps someone who ends up being more than just a client!

Personally, I met someone a decade or so ago on a US job advertising platform. This was the time where direct job platforms like Fiverr were already around but not as saturated as today since the globalization era had only just begun.

She was looking for an illustrator-cum-basic-animator for her Children’s music video, and at that time I was pretty much an amateur freelancer. However, that project fueled me to so-called “up my ante”. I bought a Wacom tablet for her project, and did a style I thought I would never try. I would admit that I had very limited skills, but she was very patient and understanding - and most importantly, equally-involved in the whole process. It was finally finished in around a month or two, and we were both happy with the end result (though honestly, after I watched it again a few days ago, it felt really amateurish).

Fast forward a few months later, and she e-mailed me and said that she managed to get the animation slotted for a local short film fair, and she was excited about it while telling me about how she wished I could be there and saw the screening together. I think it was nice to feel so appreciated!

I was reminded of her a couple days ago, so I messaged her again after years of no communication. She replied and was delighted to catch up after many years. I guess in the end my first and only animation client becomes a friend. :hugs:


There are plenty of awesome experiences here. A lot of generous tips and people who ease your understanding of what they are trying to achieve.

I believe you misunderstood my post. 🙂


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