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Buyer Can CANCEL Order for ANY REASON and get refund AFTER DELIVERY!


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It's ridiculous.  Their whole cancellation policy is a flippin joke.  I can come to a MUTUAL agreement with a buyer and it still counts against me?!!! How is this even remotely an acceptable response when both the seller and the buyer are satisfied with the resolution?  And for someone who does Fiverr part time, the idea that they only use a 60 day revolving time period to determine your rating is soooo stupid.  I'm closing in on 200 orders with a 5 star record through out, but some yahoo, who wants to cheat the system can threaten to give me 1 stars if I don't cancel and because I only do a couple of orders a month, my cancellation rating is in the trash bin and I get a demoted seller rating.  This does NOT, in ANY way accurately depict my abilities as a seller.  It's aggravating as all get out.

I've also changed how I operate, I do almost all of the work with no order in the system, I get to feel out the buyer and if I even sniff a con job, I don't finish it, block the user to prevent them ordering a gig specifically to leave a crap rating or cancel and I chalk it up to lost revenue but saved sanity.  It's depressing that I have to operate like this because Fiverr refuses to see how utterly ignorant and STUPID their cancellation policy is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just robbed the same way and feel so demotivated 

 A new buyer with no reviews or previous buys placed an order, I did the work, sent him samples, he said he likes them but needed a few changes which I did.

Soon after delivering he tells me he can not accept the work simply because he has had  divided feelings  about it (He states poor quality as reason to cancel), but I declined

I ask him what exactly is wrong with the work then he sends another cancel request stating  (seller cannot do this job). I declined again

After I contacted support, they told me to keep engaging the buyer until we reach an agreement, but strange at the same time they canceled my order and refunded the buyer, but my support ticket is still open and Fiverr is asking to me to update them about the progress of my disputed order. I just don't  get this


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On 5/4/2021 at 1:12 PM, scarlettmoro said:

I have an order I’m working on right now where I fear this very thing might happen, which is how I found your post.

I had no idea that people could cancel orders in revision. I think that’s ridiculous.

I wrote a 16,000 word piece for a difficult client and am now awaiting revision instructions, which are taking an eerily long time to arrive.

I guess the only way to avoid this would be to only offer small-sized gigs that don’t take very long to complete. You could still get scammed out of payment on the small gig, but it’s a lot better than getting scammed out of a big one.

I’m going to be changing my gigs and telling buyers that from now on they’ll be allowed to buy in 2000 word max. increments because of this. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I also ended up on this thread because I'm worried an article gig I completed will get cancelled even though I've delivered it (I've been trying to determine which format is best to send to buyers - for this one I send MS Word and PDF). My article was 1088 words (1K max - the extra 88 is free), and was $5.00. After conversion and Fiverr's commission, it's probably 2-3 quid for me. So I've reduced my word count for this basic gig to 700 words, which also seems to be the average for article packages (at the basic level). I'd recommend switching to 700 words if you can for your basic package and ask buyers you don't know to go with the basic option first as a way to get a feel for how trust-worthy they are. Good luck!

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Guest angela43
On 8/12/2021 at 10:56 PM, graphicballads said:

I just robbed the same way and feel so demotivated 

 A new buyer with no reviews or previous buys placed an order, I did the work, sent him samples, he said he likes them but needed a few changes which I did.

Soon after delivering he tells me he can not accept the work simply because he has had  divided feelings  about it (He states poor quality as reason to cancel), but I declined

I ask him what exactly is wrong with the work then he sends another cancel request stating  (seller cannot do this job). I declined again

After I contacted support, they told me to keep engaging the buyer until we reach an agreement, but strange at the same time they canceled my order and refunded the buyer, but my support ticket is still open and Fiverr is asking to me to update them about the progress of my disputed order. I just don't  get this


So sorry about your experience. One thing is sure, Fiverr Favors the buyer each time. Its the reality we all have to face. Stay motivated . In a Personal business, stuff like this happen and sometimes we lose to gain more. We'll be fine.

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Well, here on Fiverr I thought that was an opportunity to sell my services as music producer, I've 5 rating stars and 100% customers satisfied, until yesterday, my first bad experience on this site. 

I've spent  almost 2 days of work in the last week making a track for a customer, he was right with the result via message, everything ok and when I deliver the order he wanted to cancel saying that Im not professional and saying a bunch of 5 years child excuses.

Because my poor experience on cancelling orders and problems with customers, I accidentally pressed accept the cancelation on the mobile app, I have tried to retake the work with this guy but its impossible, he don't answer my messages and my time and money has lost, I FEEL SCAMMED by this guy, I have a professional production studio, recognised by many first line artists here in Spain and this kind of people want to get the music for free, first they hire your work and later they cancel the order after delivery.

I suggest to Fiverr's support to include a way to reopen the cases after cancelation or something where I can claim to the seller when the order is cancelled (this time was my fault by my poor experience I know that, but we should go back and claim)

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  • 1 month later...

This happened to me today. nine days after order completion with 5 stars and good feedback, oder has been cancelled by customer support and money have been refunded without any reason. Buyer got my work, money and my 5 Star rating as well .totally disappointed! This is our lifeline and things like this hurt us so bad. Fiver have to take actions and care about sellers more. 🤬😓😥


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Guest srsalim0184

Fiverr Gives Buyers more priority then The sellers. Things like these can hurt noob like us really badly. 😢

Even the pros can get annoyed as they put more more effort. 

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This has sadly happened to us a few times as well. There is nothing the seller can do about it. Be sure to check their feedback first and when they joined Fiverr. This could be a good indication and be weary of a big order if it's a brand new buyer. Maybe use milestones instead ?

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10 hours ago, shehanniroshana said:

This happened to me today. nine days after order completion with 5 stars and good feedback, oder has been cancelled by customer support and money have been refunded without any reason. Buyer got my work, money and my 5 Star rating as well .totally disappointed! This is our lifeline and things like this hurt us so bad. Fiver have to take actions and care about sellers more. 🤬😓😥


B9BE8DAC-A7BD-4836-9AB3-12F40AD3D65A.thumb.jpeg.5d9837b1e2060559c0eae1c43249f1e9.jpeghey everyone! After going through a fraud inquiry i got a positive feedback withing 24hrs from the customer support! Its great to have there support and response like this. My money have been refunded

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  • 1 month later...

So yeah, i hav a US$ 175 order that i already delivered, the buyer ran out of revisions and the order is already delivered, but he is asking to cancel it (already 10 times he has sent the cancelation request) idk if he is trying to scam me or something. Some one knows if they have a cancelation request limit or I will have to be declining his cancelation request the rest of my life?

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/9/2021 at 1:31 AM, itomyv said:

So yeah, i hav a US$ 175 order that i already delivered, the buyer ran out of revisions and the order is already delivered, but he is asking to cancel it (already 10 times he has sent the cancelation request) idk if he is trying to scam me or something. Some one knows if they have a cancelation request limit or I will have to be declining his cancelation request the rest of my life?

I think you could have worked it out by communicating with the buyer and charge extra for additional revision if he wants further modification. However, considering that the buyer has repeatedly requested for cancellation and you keep rejecting, it might no longer be a solution. Other option is to file a report to CS and see how it turns out.

I personally would just let go and move on with other orders. Speaking from my own experience, It's really not worth the hassle. The buyer could still leave a 1-star review even if he does accept the delivery at the end. That review is more damaging to your profile that a decreased completion rate (due to cancellation), not to mention that everyone could see the review as well. You should take this scenario into consideration.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Buyer cancelled the order after i delivered it . . He said his client is not satisfied . . He requested a revision . . I completed the task . . And i did the task all over again . . I have asked him to take a look into the revised task . . But he is saying his client has cancelled the order . . What should i do? Should i accept the cancellation or should i decline it

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12 hours ago, raib19 said:

Buyer cancelled the order after i delivered it . . He said his client is not satisfied . . He requested a revision . . I completed the task . . And i did the task all over again . . I have asked him to take a look into the revised task . . But he is saying his client has cancelled the order . . What should i do? Should i accept the cancellation or should i decline it

Don't cancel the order. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Hey, that's really sad to read!

I had customers like this a couple times as well. You can do whatever you want, if they want to rip you off, they can.
I also never got my money back through the customer service, even if it was clear that it wasn't my fault.

For me it was not about the money but about the bad review or also bad ranking/stats afterwards that really made it worse. 
That's actually something the customer service can help you with when you ask them nicely and explain (also with screenshots as proof).

The platform changed a lot in the last years and maybe in the future sellers will get more protection as well. I think it's good to discuss those topics with the customer service or also participate in comminity meetings etc to let them know. I mean, if they are not sellers themselves how should they know. But sharing those stories will maybe help at some point.

Edited by almostfauxreal
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1 hour ago, almostfauxreal said:

Hey, that's really sad to read!

I had customers like this a couple times as well. You can do whatever you want, if they want to rip you off, they can.
I also never got my money back through the customer service, even if it was clear that it wasn't my fault.

For me it was not about the money but about the bad review or also bad ranking/stats afterwards that really made it worse. 
That's actually something the customer service can help you with when you ask them nicely and explain (also with screenshots as proof).

The platform changed a lot in the last years and maybe in the future sellers will get more protection as well. I think it's good to discuss those topics with the customer service or also participate in comminity meetings etc to let them know. I mean, if they are not sellers themselves how should they know. But sharing those stories will maybe help at some point.

I've written or rewritten feature length screenplays and other projects, delivered them on time, and had the buyer demand revisions that they hadn't paid for--at least a dozen orders so far.  Worse, I get customers canceling as soon as I deliver the order to try to get the work done for free.  It's one thing that some of our gigs only bid out around $2-3 an hour for large projects, but to have some scammer cancel them after the fact--then leave a terrible review, preventing most buyers from ever seeing your work--is the last straw.

And Fiverr does nothing for sellers, always siding with a canceling "buyer" even though this forces us to go to other websites for freelance work.  And this problem is also happening at Upwork, etc.

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