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Buyer Can CANCEL Order for ANY REASON and get refund AFTER DELIVERY!


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I just had on order cancelled by a buyer who requested a change because I didn't place an element in my model. The thing is that element is useless in the model, it can be without it and is actually more efficient without it. Then the buyer cancelled the order not before telling me that the model was wrong because of the aforementioned reasons and then blocked me.

Even though I know he will feel stupid when he realizes that the model is actually correct, the one who feels like an imbecile is me because I have been scammed.

That user is "ajkoprd" by the way. If someone sees him, run away. I wish I could finish a not so kind conversation with that buyer but unfortunately I'm just too nice for my own good.

Edited by albertochave956
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I think a cancellation is not as bad as a 1 star review. Cancellations happen to all of us. First try one more time to please your buyer by offering to revise. However, whatever your buyer says about the cancellation is critical if you go to customer support. In my case, the buyer decided on a male voice and the buyer told me that in a message and that is clearly nothing I could do so CS cancelled the order and it did not reflect on my stats. Also, if the buyer said his client changed their mind… again it’s not you…it’s kind of on the buyer… but if the buyer said his client isn’t happy with the result you may be stuck. If you refuse to cancel and the customer gives you a 1 star after completion that may drive your orders down! So it’s like the “lesser of two evils” you have to decide from. 

For the future, your order requirements need to be rock solid. Make them agree to your revision policy. You can do this by requiring them to answer this question. If they don’t agree the order does not move forward, you have maybe prevented a disaster. Since I stated this out clearly, my buyers have been amazing. I haven’t had a cancellation in over a year and CS cancelled for me because he admitted his client wanted a male. 

Sometimes, you have to take this fall but PLEASE learn from it and ask how you can prevent it moving forward. Look at your requirements and adjust them accordingly. My advice anyway.

Also, this sounds counterintuitive, but raising your prices also avoids some of the jerks out there! Bullies like to pick on the lower hanging fruit because inside they are actually cowards.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am just a recent victim of this. I am a level 2 seller with over 300+ reviews.

I worked 4 hours on an artwork and the buyerr immediately asked for a cancellation 2 mins after recieving the artwork.

When i asked, they said they just want to cancel and they didnt even give me a chance to make any changes for them even though i had offered unlimited revisions. The buyer was being totally unreasonable. I declined the cancellation but the fiverr CS went with buyer and cancelled the order and it hurt my completion rate as well.

So, yes fiverr always goes with the buyer and does not care about the seller at all

Edited by asimjafri
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  • 3 months later...

i placed a order with a seller on fiverr  for sprits i can use on rpg maker mv turns out the seller had never dun sprits for rpg maker mv be for and the sprits i got cant be used in rpg maker mv the seller told me she is not able to make them work or even try aging so i told the seller i think ist best for her to cannel the order and give me a refund she told me she thinks its not fair for me to get my money back and that there no reason for a refund i  ask for a refund under not ready to take order see wood not cannel i then looked up tradeing sanderds to see what my rights are under tradeing stander law a freelancer cant force you to accept a order agents your beater judgment and you have the right to get your money back if your order is not fit to use i told this to the seller and asked agine for my money back still she wood not cannel i will not pay for a order that is not fit to use is there a way i can get fiverr to over rule the seller and give me the refund fiverr stil have the money as ever time the seller see no to a refund i ask aging in order to stop the seller getting the money what can i do

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  • 2 months later...

The client asked me to translate the text into English and I translated it, then sent two more files and I accepted and translated it. Then he requested revision for these files and sent a new file. My mother tongue is Kurdish and English. then he sent another file and I translated it too. I translated all the files. Actually, I finished my job, but the customer asked me for revision for a week, constantly finding a lie and asking me for revision. I sent it every time, actually the reason he got the revision was that he was trying his best to cancel the order, but I was still very compassionate towards the customer because I wanted to get my money. Now I ask you how badly can I translate my mother tongue Kurdish to English?  canceled the whole order.(bad story)

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Same things happens to me yesterday.
After I deliver my bass track, done some revisions the buyer ask to cancel.
I wrongly press the "accept" button, cause the layout is really bad made, with the accept button highlighted in green, as for sending a message.
I immediately send a message to the support and they told me that they can't do nothing. 
So the buyer have my bass track and I get not payment!
After being on fiverr for 3 years as a PRO and TOP RATED SELLER, I am really thinking about leaving the platform.
The balance of protection between seller and buyer is so demoralizing.
And they keep taking their 20% of commission without doing nothing to protect the sellers.

What a shame!

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On 9/8/2020 at 8:59 PM, angiesvoice_vo said:

Had a buyer who requested numerous voice recordings with music. Order was delivered and buyer changed his mind stating he decided he wants a MALE voice instead of a Female voice (me), and wants me to deliver the recordings in a male voice. My gig is very clear that it is for a female voice, no male voices are offered. Buyer wants to cancel AND GET A REFUND because he now wants a male voice instead. This order took quite a lot of time to produce and was delivered exactly as my gig described. Recordings were very high quality and professional. I have excellent reviews from all of my previous buyers. I reached out to Fiverr customer support and brought up that this buyer is violating the Terms of Service by trying to cancel after receiving the order simply because he changed his mind and wants a male voice. The gig was delivered as described. This is like hiring a contractor to remodel your kitchen, and then wanting a refund when the work is done because you changed your mind and decided you want to remodel your bathroom instead. Fiverr support replied stating that they are “sorry” for the experience, but in essence, the buyer can cancel for ANY reason. This is what they responded with:
"While we would not cancel an order based on personal taste directly, the buyer does have the final word on how their funds are spent and any reason they want to cancel an order for is valid."
This is unacceptable to me as a seller. There is no protection for sellers who have spent a lot of time/energy on a project and makes it very easy for sellers to be taken advantage of. Time to spread the word. Anyone else have this experience?

very interesting 

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On 8/18/2021 at 9:05 AM, angela43 said:

So sorry about your experience. One thing is sure, Fiverr Favors the buyer each time. Its the reality we all have to face. Stay motivated . In a Personal business, stuff like this happen and sometimes we lose to gain more. We'll be fine.


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On 8/20/2023 at 3:41 PM, luquibass said:

And they keep taking their 20% of commission without doing nothing to protect the sellers.

The problem is that you accepted his cancellation. They can't reverse payments, cancellations are final. You had to go to them before canceling the order. Now the only thing you can do is to send a custom offer to the client so he can purchase the service again, which seems it won't be happening.

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I think if this rule is continued we will have to face so many problem as a fiverr. seller because if some one try to bad impact on id as a fake buyers  that mean not professional buyer they will try to hustle some seller by cancelling the order anytime without cause. it may bad for both seller and fiverr.com. So fiverr can cancell this rule  for thier well income. it's my own view. because if fiverr give some facility for sellers it will helpful for fiverr. We have to understand that sellers can established the fiverr for thier all completed orders not by the cancellation. Thanks. Fiverr may give some opportunity to recover cancell orders. Thanks.

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  • 9 months later...
On 9/8/2020 at 7:59 PM, angiesvoice_vo said:

Had a buyer who requested numerous voice recordings with music. Order was delivered and buyer changed his mind stating he decided he wants a MALE voice instead of a Female voice (me), and wants me to deliver the recordings in a male voice. My gig is very clear that it is for a female voice, no male voices are offered. Buyer wants to cancel AND GET A REFUND because he now wants a male voice instead. This order took quite a lot of time to produce and was delivered exactly as my gig described. Recordings were very high quality and professional. I have excellent reviews from all of my previous buyers. I reached out to Fiverr customer support and brought up that this buyer is violating the Terms of Service by trying to cancel after receiving the order simply because he changed his mind and wants a male voice. The gig was delivered as described. This is like hiring a contractor to remodel your kitchen, and then wanting a refund when the work is done because you changed your mind and decided you want to remodel your bathroom instead. Fiverr support replied stating that they are “sorry” for the experience, but in essence, the buyer can cancel for ANY reason. This is what they responded with:
"While we would not cancel an order based on personal taste directly, the buyer does have the final word on how their funds are spent and any reason they want to cancel an order for is valid."
This is unacceptable to me as a seller. There is no protection for sellers who have spent a lot of time/energy on a project and makes it very easy for sellers to be taken advantage of. Time to spread the word. Anyone else have this experience?

this is not fair with saller

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I see that you dealt with vocal audio and mixing. If I may ask, why didn’t you try to adjust the female voice to male (by deeping the pitch and the baritone). I would see if this would appease the client first (like trying all avenues to see if they’d be interested). Maybe he’d like it, or maybe not. But, considering your gigs range in the amount of $100 and over, I would do my best to try to meet him halfway if it were possible. That client is not going to let himself lose all that money, I would know this fact and try to work with him. And yes, I myself have been able to do vocal adjustments from female to male successfully. No extra time needed, just a few adjustments. Seems like it could have been talked over more with the client. I understand he didn’t originally tell you, but I’d try to make it work if it were within my abilities to. 

Edited by pinksamuraiii
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