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How would you deal with this buyer?


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Oh, don’t worry about it. 90% of these people won’t agree to pay again so you won’t be doing anything. It’s not their game. It serves as more of a disclaimer to communicate that I’m willing to go above and beyond as long as my work and my time are respected.

I honestly think being a reseller, not disclosing that you’re a reseller and then invoking some phantom “client”'s opinion as a reason not to pay you should be a bannable offense. It’s at the very least dishonest and at worst a scam tactic. It’s like you’re entering a contest where the winner gets paid except you’re not made aware of it.

Well, he was willing to pay (I don’t know how much) but as a revision, which considering that his revision implies making the whole order again, it’s not very reliable.

I totally agree with you, a reseller’s work out of Fiverr is not our responsability.

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As long as you delivered and he has requested an official revision, in other words the orders is tagged as a revision the order will be marked completed in 3 days anyway, might as well just wait it out.

I’ve had an order in this “revision” state for also a week now but it still has not expire for me. Did I do something wrong? 🥺

@juliapla once customer support responds to you take screenshots and show it to the buyer who is threatening you. Most of these cowards run away when CS gets involved because they are afraid their accounts will get taken away from them. Just show no fear, stand your ground and stick to your guns!

I actually rarely have revisions because I vetted the scope quite a bit. The few times I do have revisions, when I deliver the revision they usually accept so I am not sure what you could do for your situation.

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Well, he was willing to pay (I don’t know how much) but as a revision, which considering that his revision implies making the whole order again, it’s not very reliable.

I totally agree with you, a reseller’s work out of Fiverr is not our responsability.

If you can get this order delivered, I would suggest never work with this buyer again. Anytime I am on a gig and I get 2 red flags no matter how slight I use the note feature and label as a do not accept or a varying degree. I think that is why I get lucky and not have too many client issues.

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If you can get this order delivered, I would suggest never work with this buyer again. Anytime I am on a gig and I get 2 red flags no matter how slight I use the note feature and label as a do not accept or a varying degree. I think that is why I get lucky and not have too many client issues.

I’ve never had such a bad experience as this, most of my experiences here are good, but at least I’ve learnt not to work again when I notice a red flag and to be careful with resellers. Of course if I get this order accepted, which I doubt, I won’t work with him again.

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Update: I just got an answer from CS, they’ve replied kindly and have been sympathetic with my situation, but I haven’t get any solution, their advice is to talk with the buyer, let him know that he didn’t have revisions included in the order and to offer him doing the revision as an extra. As the communication with him ended very toughly, I don’t know if that will work as a solution, and it’s not a solution that I like, but I’ll let him know their answer

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If it’s a do over, it should be a new order

Thanks, that’s what I think too, if I make it as a revision/extra I can’t rely he’s not going to get away with the delivered work a not accept the order. I think I’ll offer him a new order, but it’s very unlikely he’ll accept

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If it’s a do over, it should be a new order

If it’s a do over, it should be a new order

I have a new concept extra and I always attach it to the existing order. It’s the same order, essentially, and if the situation eventually escalates to a cancelation despite my wishes, at least I’ll have 1 canceled order instead of 2. Same with reviews.

If the idea is to get the order accepted and finally get paid, from what I understand the buyer isn’t willing to mark this first order as complete either way.

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The thing is that making sure the buyer accepts the original order before starting the do over would mean she’s getting paid for at least the original - unless there’s a chargeback!

Of course, if the buyer’s now in battle mode it’s a question of win/lose

A bit of sympathy - "I know you find yourself in a difficult position … " and a proposed solution may well solve it …

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If it’s a do over, it should be a new order

I have a new concept extra and I always attach it to the existing order. It’s the same order, essentially, and if the situation eventually escalates to a cancelation despite my wishes, at least I’ll have 1 canceled order instead of 2. Same with reviews.

If the idea is to get the order accepted and finally get paid, from what I understand the buyer isn’t willing to mark this first order as complete either way.

The idea is to offer him doing a new order, he can accept the old one when he sees updates and improvements, and not delivering until he accepts the first one. If I do everything in the same order, I can’t rely he’s not going to download the files and leaving it as a revision forever so I don’t get the money, he has talked to me so rude and threatened with bad reviews that I can’t trust him.

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The thing is that making sure the buyer accepts the original order before starting the do over would mean she’s getting paid for at least the original - unless there’s a chargeback!

Of course, if the buyer’s now in battle mode it’s a question of win/lose

A bit of sympathy - "I know you find yourself in a difficult position … " and a proposed solution may well solve it …

yes, I explained him my suggestion and told him there’s no win for any of us if we keep things like this, the only way is trying to make the communication confortable and finding a solution that’s fine for both. In my opinion my solution is the only way we could both win. Oh, a chargeback? what do you mean?

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yes, I explained him my suggestion and told him there’s no win for any of us if we keep things like this, the only way is trying to make the communication confortable and finding a solution that’s fine for both. In my opinion my solution is the only way we could both win. Oh, a chargeback? what do you mean?

Oh, a chargeback? what do you mean?

Fraudulent refund via the payment processor. The buyer will get banned pretty fast after that but I doubt it’ll be any consolation. Fiverr can’t stop it from happening but sometimes they compensate sellers who had it happen to them, either partially or in full (depending on the situation and the overall budget, I think).

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Oh, a chargeback? what do you mean?

Fraudulent refund via the payment processor. The buyer will get banned pretty fast after that but I doubt it’ll be any consolation. Fiverr can’t stop it from happening but sometimes they compensate sellers who had it happen to them, either partially or in full (depending on the situation and the overall budget, I think).

wo that makes me feel really unsafe. So I’d lose the money and he’d get a refund without canceling the order? I thought cancelation was the only way to get a refund

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wo that makes me feel really unsafe. So I’d lose the money and he’d get a refund without canceling the order? I thought cancelation was the only way to get a refund

The order will get cancelled. I believe, it’ll say “cancelled by the buyer” as opposed to “by mutual agreement” but please anyone correct me if I’m wrong. If that happens and the buyer’s account is no longer there, it’ll be safe to say this was a chargeback. You’ll then need to contact CS to discuss your options.

But to be honest, your buyer strikes me more like a clueless individual who is bad at project management than an outright scammer. Chargeback scammers usually pretend everything is wonderful and leave generous tips to cancel the order in weeks or months after accepting it. Plus, chargebacks are (relatively) rare.

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The order will get cancelled. I believe, it’ll say “cancelled by the buyer” as opposed to “by mutual agreement” but please anyone correct me if I’m wrong. If that happens and the buyer’s account is no longer there, it’ll be safe to say this was a chargeback. You’ll then need to contact CS to discuss your options.

But to be honest, your buyer strikes me more like a clueless individual who is bad at project management than an outright scammer. Chargeback scammers usually pretend everything is wonderful and leave generous tips to cancel the order in weeks or months after accepting it. Plus, chargebacks are (relatively) rare.

The system don’t work, i offer 3 revisions and i notice that when the client open a revision, appears this message:

““REVISION REQUESTED Your buyer has 3 revisions available.””

BUT WAIT! I offer 3 revisions, the client oppened one revision, so now he should have have 2 revisions available.

The client oppened a revision and have more 3 revisions available, so in the end he have 4 revisions.

As everyone mentioned about, why i put 3 or 0 revisions, but the client can open how many he want?

This is unfair and no make any sense, we need do something about it, because the current system open to the client abuse of the “Revision System”

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The system don’t work, i offer 3 revisions and i notice that when the client open a revision, appears this message:

““REVISION REQUESTED Your buyer has 3 revisions available.””

BUT WAIT! I offer 3 revisions, the client oppened one revision, so now he should have have 2 revisions available.

The client oppened a revision and have more 3 revisions available, so in the end he have 4 revisions.

As everyone mentioned about, why i put 3 or 0 revisions, but the client can open how many he want?

This is unfair and no make any sense, we need do something about it, because the current system open to the client abuse of the “Revision System”

I think the way fiverr (and some buyers) view the revision system is that as a service provider you’re supposed to be willing to go above and beyond to satisfy the customer at all times. So while you technically can set your gig up a certain way and decide whether you want to offer revisions or not, your decisions are ultimately irrelevant. By refusing revisions you’re not “going above and beyond”, hence face the repercussions. And situations like this entire post arise.

I’m currently working with someone (and it’ll probably end with either a cancelation initiated by me or a bad review) who told me yesterday that the packages don’t matter to him, what matters to him is that he’s 100% satisfied and he’s willing to pay for extra work. It never once occurred to him that the packages and the terms were set up by me and they mattered to me.

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The order will get cancelled. I believe, it’ll say “cancelled by the buyer” as opposed to “by mutual agreement” but please anyone correct me if I’m wrong. If that happens and the buyer’s account is no longer there, it’ll be safe to say this was a chargeback. You’ll then need to contact CS to discuss your options.

But to be honest, your buyer strikes me more like a clueless individual who is bad at project management than an outright scammer. Chargeback scammers usually pretend everything is wonderful and leave generous tips to cancel the order in weeks or months after accepting it. Plus, chargebacks are (relatively) rare.

Well, if this is unlikely to happen I guess I won’t worry about that, though it’s quite interesting information, thank you 🙂

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Another update: the buyer replied to me in a very rude way and told me he has paid someone else to do the revision (so he has given my model, unpaid, to someone else) and told me not to talk to him anymore. He hasn’t got an answer from CS yet and he’s convinced he’s right in this issue and that CS will agree. What can I do? he’s not going to accept the delivery, and I don’t want to cancel, will this be in revision forever?

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You should remind the buyer - politely! - that since they haven’t paid for the work you did, they don’t own it and therefore sharing it in any way is copyright infringement. Update CS with this, too - just add another comment to your existing ticket.

It’s a difficult one - yes, orders can stay in revision for ever …

What @cyaxrex does with this kind of thing is publishes it himself. He’s a writer, tho, so publishing on Amazon is relatively easy. Is there some way you could do something similar if necessary?

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