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Advice: Lowering Mutual Cancellations and When Buyers Ask For Things Your Gig Does Not Offer


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I’ve just had two buyers in a row that asked me to do an assessment of their website (free), then tried to negotiate my rate in half, then placed an arbitrary minimum word count at the time of their order, claiming that I had agreed to do the work for half price. They still haven’t approved the work I produced exactly according to sales terms on my gig. I’m sure they’ll give me a negative rating. There seems to be no recourse from the seller end for this kind of abuse of the system. Together with the complete elimination of all orders on my other gig since the “upgrade,” I am extremely discouraged. I really feel manipulated and taken advantage of from the buyers who just make up their own rules and parameters on delivery expectations, and climbing an ever-steeper hill brought on by Fiverr.

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There are a lot of buyers on this platform that fancy themselves as savvy negotiators and demanding entrepreneurs. They think the terms of your gig are a starting point to negotiate your rate down, or demand added elements or work that is not included in your gig description. Some of them try to demand extras or arbitrarily impose their own standards (over and above your gig description) at the time they make their order and then refuse to approve the work if the seller doesn’t comply. This is something that’s going to have to be addressed by Fiverr before it gets completely out of hand. This is a global platform, and in some cultures this is apparently not only acceptable but somewhat expected. As a seller, I don’t know how to say “This is what I am offering, and if you want considerably more I at least expect to be paid for it”-- at least I don’t know how to say it without driving off customers who are NOT always trying to impose an abusive working relationship.

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I am disappointed about cancellation . Because a lot of time buyer order gig without asking me if I have time to work or I am able to do the work . After that the buyers cancel the gig and my rating going down and cancellation rating going up . what is the solution of the problem ?

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Awesome Tips! Starting, I would rather say NO to such requests considering the hurts associated with order cancellations. Besides the gig extra solved that now on my newly earned level, I observed that on particular gig and did monetize such common requests on the Gig extras.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had to cancel more orders than I find acceptable. I read the reviews before I order and yet these people must be falsifying their reviews. There needs to be a better screening process on your end, fiverr. The unprofessional tactics of these people are ruining the credibility of your site. It’s ashame since your concept is great but you just let anyone sell on your site. These people have no people skills, no concept of a reasonable delivery time, and they can never deliver what is expected of them. If I were you, I would develop better screening processes and be more restrictive on your sellers before you lose lifetime customers.

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  • 1 month later...

I’ve made a simple note at the bottom of one of my gig descriptions that clarifies that the posting is NOT for ghostwriting services. I had thought that would be enough, but after reading this, I think maybe I need to go through and be a bit more specific with what I’m looking for in terms of work.

I haven’t had this problem yet, but thanks for offering tips to keep it from happening 🙂

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I ordered a adposter and i got something for 2 months instead of this I will Give you 4 MONTH Facebook poster with WEB HOSTING & DOMAIN this is the one i wanted the other does me no good for what i need for my business which is what i told her, I’m a new global business owner and the system caused an incorrect order n instead of her saying no problem i can change it to what you needed for your business since it was the same price she wouldn’t budge at all I was asked this and I quote she asked me why you are order this gig without reading?. Last time I checked reading started in the 1st grade and now i run my own business as a Translation/Advertising/WEB Designer/Software Development etc. Fiverr I really think rules should be put in place for this kind of behavior as in account being shut down ive ran across 50 rude people call themselves trying to make money when the key is being on time delivering, cater to your customers so theyll come back and do business with you get a good rating no returns and be courteous to you customers then she cancelled my gig and then rescinded my funds then asked me again Clearly shes not ready for this it should be a policy in place to get them off the platform with nasty and rude attitudes its too much money to be made not to know how to handle customers and get paid

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Hey people.

That’s all easily said but I received 21 sales on a single gig in under 20 hours yesterday/today now, and I bet 1 in 6 or 7 completely ignored the clear description. I have only ever had 1 buyer ask me to cancel orders over me or something with me, but and i have had a buyer say once oh sorry I thought this was blah didnt read until now blah blah, all the others have been by me because people refuse to buy extras to get the extras. So, this is a pretty picture to paint for what to do, but doesn’t apply to the situation well for buyers that simply dont read it, they see the gig ignore what the AUDIO IS SAYING and THE DESCRIPTION on the screen, and still ask for things clearly highlited bold on description and in audio, this is in a single day, must less over time. Sorry for being a nany on this one, but bullocks to those steps lol, said in the nicest way possible of course… 🙂 I say do this, cancel what you need to, let whatever happens happens, and if your acct gets a negative hit due to it based on users that didnt follow instructions screen shot gig and link conversation to CS they will normally make adjustment for you every time, if you come the first time to them with everything, mature and not a nit about it, every time…




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Over 90% of the time where expectations are not met in business is related to communication issues. My background includes writing training documents, policies, procedures and auditing for businesses. Clear communication can prevent many issues but it impossible to proactively address all the potential issues a clients may inquire about. Anytime a gig or a message includes information not included or not clear about a gig, we immediately message them to offer clarification and to reiterate the gig services included. We have never had a cancellation of a gig following this process. At the end, the clients can simply reference the gig description and see services included. If this is a common occurrence, we would recommend editing the gig description to offer clearer definition of services. Proactive is always easier vs reactive when it comes to customer service!

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Reply to @pangloss63: we would recommend editing your description to address this proactively. If you are finding a statistically significant adverse outcome, addressing it differently upfront may reduce this risk moving forward. In addition, at the time of ordering, before providing any service, a clarification message can be sent to them that does not offer any negotiations. Ultimately, they will most likely continue with your gig, they are probably crossing their fingers if it will work. Worse case scenario, you can respond to feedback that demanded additional work beyond gig and most potential clients will understand this and not hold it against you.

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