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Advice: Lowering Mutual Cancellations and When Buyers Ask For Things Your Gig Does Not Offer


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Hi guys,

I am fairly new here. I am trying to build a good reputation and I am thankful for each order.

I am noticing that although I am very clear on my gig description about what is a gig extra, like dress request, word-count, green screen, people just order, what they feel and ignore the gig extras. Then I ask myself, is it worth to fight over 5$? should I just worry about building up my gig for now? Even after I point the extras out to them, in a nice way, they still ignore it. Any advice?

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I found this helpful. I have a real bee in my bonnet with the lack of protection for sellers here but I agree to work here, so I’ll have to live with it.

Guest seanbrunke4

Reply to @mimie01: hey if this is a problem u r constantly having put something like “Please contact me before ordering gig” in your description. Also once the gig is ordered tell them you want to be clear and explain what the $5 gig covers… Once they tell you what they want tell them about your gig extras. I alway say it just like this… “Ok that’s an awesome idea all I need you to do is order the gig extra for that & I can add that to your project” and it works like a charm… Good Luck


Reply to @seanbrunke4: I did follow your advice. I was told today by a buyer that he is already paying me 60$ (purchase my testimonial gig) and basically told me just to take it or leave it. I mean, you can’t do this in a regular store or business, so why are some Fiverr buyers so wired and absolute?

Guest whitehatseo10

That is a reason for I have a 5% cancellation ratio… What’s yours?


And what about canceling, before work delivery and feedback. I have some people confuse the my gig and I have to cancel them due to the time restriction on one gig. Then they replace the order with the right gig, but it says my cancellation rating is now …%


kjblynx: Ah yes… the sage and wise “old veteran”, who seems to always have the right answer for EVERY problem a Seller/Buyer could possibly encounter on Fiverr. O:-)

Lynx?, when is Fiverr finally going to offer you stock options in the company, as they hire you for their newest position: Forum Resident Guru? 😉

Ok, seriously, I too would like to see your answer to mimie01, specifically:

Is there ANY point in the purchase/fulfillment process, where the buyer or seller can Cancel the order and yet, the Seller is NOT penalized with “damage” to their cancellation rating?

Robert the Kind-hearted Buyer


Reply to @kjblynx: That’s an interesting idea I hadn’t seen suggested, before you mentioned it here: Display a cancellation % for buyers, as well as sellers. Presumably so sellers can see that a particular buyer has a suspiciously-high rate of cancelling.

The only problem with that idea, is that it’s pretty-well useless in practice, if sellers are not first given the option of refusing a buyer’s purchase. 😦


BUYERS can always abuse the system. I just approved a request for cancellation because the user didn’t wait to type my full reply (1200 chars max to each message box) to his question when he wanted some clarifications after i delivered the order. I strongly believe this 23 years old buyer abused and will continue to abuse Fiverr but i guess there is no reliability factors for buyers as the ones sellers have.


I’ve just had to ask for a mutual cancellation on my gig because a buyer asked for 2 x blog posts per $5 on a gig where I offer 10 blog comments for $5.

The order is not even closely related.

I have been polite and requested a mutual cancellation but I’m not happy it will affect my cancellation ratio on a gig that was flying high.

I’d rather my cancellation ratio go up than work for a third of what I would charge here, which is already cheap or try and fulfil the order and end up getting stung or worse, a bad review.


I had a buyer thought purchased a few gigs from me. The total was about 195 on the flash website gig. After she bought all of these gigs, half an hour later she wanted to do a mutual cancellation. She did not give me a chance to even start the gig and demanded a refund. Well I agreed to one mutual cancellation and she replied telling me that I need to cancel all of her orders.

I’m not sure if she is familiar with the TOS but she will need to cancel them herself.

She wanted me to do things like copy other websites, create a database, and host her site. All of these things are things that I do not offer. Sucks that my rating will be lowered now because of this.

Guest promoteyou

Hotwebideas - In my opinion, it’s sellers like you who say things like “If possible, try to cater to the buyer and provide whatever they ask.” It’s that kind of desperation that makes a lot of buyers think ALL sellers are willing to do anything for $5. I make my money with extras (upselling). My biggest problem is the buyer who expects the extra service - for free.

You can’t walk into McDonald’s with $5 and say, “I have only $5, but I want EVERYTHING you have on the menu” and expect the guy behind the counter to bend over backwards and give you whatever you ask for. Why should Fiverr sellers have to give away everything - for $5?

Even McDonald’s charges for upsizing a drink and fries. That company did NOT become as successful as it is by giving away their extras - just to make the customer happy. Stop telling sellers to bend to the will of the customer. It’s bad advice.

Guest promoteyou

Reply to @mimie01: The next time you get someone like that, ask them if they can go into McDonald’s and request items they didn’t pay for and expect to get those items for free.

Here’s what I have in my gig description (and it’s been working like a charm!)

==> We live in the UNITED STATES where $5 is not a lot of money. DO NOT ask us to do things you didn’t pay for. That’s just rude.


Well, they say “Ask not and ye have not”. I once asked a seller who was offering a photo of something if he would instead do a video of the same for me. We agreed on how many gigs to order and not only did he do me a video, he did three (and I only asked for one)!

Some people give and others take, and it should be understood that what a seller gives is really up to the seller, despite what a buyer might want to take. That said, I don’t think there should be a hard and fast rule about this. Five dollars for an article written is not going to get anyone a book - unless the seller is someone who really likes to write. And I think that’s the bottom line.



I really need some help! Somebody is keep ordering a gig from me and is refussing to give me the agreed information. I just do not have the technical ability to execute the gig. I told this to the buyer like 10x, I canceled the order 3 times, he keeps refusing and re ordering and disapearing. After 3 cancelation request, Fiverr finaly cancelt, so he goes ahead and orders again.

I wrote a clear message to the buyer, how I do not want to accept anymore orders, I can not do the job. No freaking reaction, exept ordering more gigs.

Help, what can I do? How can Fiverr support take care of this?


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