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How do i rank a gig on Fiverr 2020?

Guest chief_marketer

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Guest chief_marketer

How do you rank a gig on Fiverr 2020?

[social media manager]


I literally just did a 2 hour live stream on this, so I find this post hilarious!

Search the forum if you want to find a link.

Edit: here you go:

Hey everyone, this is going to be short and to the point. Without much fanfare, I just noticed I reached an important milestone in my freelancing career: [FIVERR 400K MILESTONE] It’s been a bumpy but exciting time for me, with a steep learning curve. When I registered on Fiverr I never imagined I would be selling animated videos at a premium. I am proud for what I accomplished and what I have learned in my journey so far. My skills as a director, an animator and an illustrator have progres…
Guest james_wordpress

Stay active on fiverr and share your gig on social media and use buyer request and also active on forum

very good idea mate.


How do you rank a gig

just did a 2 hour live stream on this,

And on top of that, you are claiming to be a professional marketer and offering people to grow their business. So why wouldn’t you do for yourself what you offer to do for your clients?

I think he’s trying to promote his gig!


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