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My revenues don't add up and fluctuate


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I have just sat and counted all of my completed orders over the last 14 days ( that’s how long i’ve been with fiverr)

Except I’m told that i’ve earned $16 and have $32 upcoming. Problem is I have done enough gives for over $60 all of which are completed and displayed in the list below this information. Where’s my money going ?

Not a single cent has cleared on my Fiverr account yet so I’m worried that my money is vanishing !

Please Please Please Help!

Many Thanks


Fixxup on Fiverr

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You must also look in your ‘delivered’ section under the ‘Manage Sales’ Those are not rated and take 3 extra days to clear to your ‘Completed’ section. If the buyer doesn’t rate it after delivered, that’s where it will be and won’t reflect in your ‘upcoming’ until in the ‘completed’ section. Hope this helps.


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Do you mean ‘pending clearance’ when you say “upcoming”? Because if you go to your revenues page up the top it should say how much money is pending clearance and how much is available. The money takes maybe around 2 weeks to clear, but don’t worry - it will come through eventually.

If your revenue page does not add up, then I’m not sure. Maybe you are counting your completed orders wrong?

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‘Earned’ is for projects you already delivered and marked as complete by buyers

’Upcoming’ is for projects already bought but you haven’t deliver to the buyers

and there’s this ‘Pending Clearance’, where your ‘Earned’ money always take days (around 3 or so) for them to clear it until it will get to your 'Available Funds’

So you’re sure your money just disappeared after cleared?

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FUNDS = total earnings still owed to you

Earned= WITHDRAWALS + USED TO ORDER GIGS + PENDING CLEARANCE + AVAILABLE FUNDS ( but not UPCOMING EARNINGS because upcoming earnings are not counted until the buyer says the order is complete or until 3 days have past since you marked it complete )

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