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♨️Is this the weirdest revision request ever?!?‍♂️


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Yes, it was for his school project and he wanted it less-good so it pass through the teacher.

Although I am totally against this, I cant do anything but to deliver to the kid! He did not mention this before ordeing which doesnt give me any other choices.

Otherwise, get a higher cancellation rate, less exposure, and losing time and money.

This cancellation problem is the main drawback in fiverr in my view. For all parties, the seller, the buyer, and the community. What happened to me with this kid is just an example! I found myself “forced” to do the kid’s homework to keep my business running!

Yes, it was for his school project and he wanted it less-good so it pass through the teacher.

I hope you already contacted customer support. Certain words will trigger Fiverr’s warning message and “school project” might be one of them.

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