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Has your profile image been stolen? DMCA/Copyright Infringement Notice


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I have an order with a buyer, (long story short) I Googled their company name to do some research on the written work I would be delivering. And, SURPRISE! I found my profile photo being used as one of their “employees” with a fake name. Not only did I never agree to this, but it’s a DMCA/Copyright Infringement.

I contacted Fiverr Customer Service, but they basically told me they couldn’t do anything about the Copyright Infringement as it was outside of their own personal website. So, I emailed their company a cease and desist letter claiming legal action. They claimed to have removed my image but as it still stands they’re still using it.

Since I can’t state which user is doing this in the community in forum, and Fiverr won’t do anything about it. I am posting the photo HERE in an effort to make sure the other individuals in the photos (assuming fellow Fiverr users) are being violated in this way, and having their profile photos used without their own personal knowledge and/or permission.

If you or someone you know is the person/fellow Fiverr user in the photos and did not give legal permission for someone to the photo please contact me via private message as soon as possible. I am keeping the site anonymous here, but users can contact me personal regarding the photos/site/company site where the copyright infringement is taking place.

Please note: The “music site” noted in the photo isn’t even mine (it is not the companies site where the my photo is being used), nor is the name, and the position. I have no association with it in any way, and NEVER gave permission. The only way I even found out about it was because I searched their company name.

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Guest emp_angela

Hi, I just read this and live in the UK…my advice would be to track down where in the world the site is being hosted…that will tell you the country (99% chance it will anyway). From there I would find the equivalent of the UK’s Trading Standards service. If this was in the UK, Trading Standards would jump on them and have the power to close their business…of course over a photo, I doubt that would happen…but most countries will have some type of organisation that acts this way…good luck.

Do they have client testimonials…google is great for tracking this info down…I would write to these people and say you’ve not agreed etc…

Ange x

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alliemadison12 said: You should go to images.google.com and enter the photos you have uploaded to Fiverr. I have done that, and it is amazing how many people use my photo. I'm sure you'll find the same


I've done a image search and their site never came up. All the photos of used on Fiverr are original and are only used for Fiverr (for this exact reason). I've run reverse search image using several systems, their site never came up. Be cautious!

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emp_angela said: my advice would be to track down where in the world the site is being hosted....that will tell you the country (99% chance it will anyway). From there I would find the equivalent of the UK's Trading Standards service. If this was in the UK, Trading Standards would jump on them and have the power to close their business...of course over a photo, I doubt that would happen....but most countries will have some type of organisation that acts this way....good luck.


Already tracked it down, got the hosting, informed them of their own countries Copyright Infringement law at them. I also BCC the cease and desist letter to my lawyer, and informed them my lawyer already had their number and would be contact them shortly. They quickly pulled my photo down from their site. :)

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kiffinyjean said: I kinda just figure once it's out there... I'll never get it back. Including pictures, artwork etc.


You're missing it. It wasn't "work" I literally never even work with the individual. It was only when I had an open order with them, did I search their company name and found my face as one of their "employees". You have legal rights to your personal things.


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alliemadison12 said: You inspired me to search that as I haven't in a while, and I came across a whole website, twitter, YouTube, and Google plus pretending to be me.


Aw, I'm glad I inspired you even if a little bit. :) I can't stress enough how you have to be proactive and be your own advocate. You can't just let things fly. The law is there to protect you, so I encourage you to use it when you have to.




I've seen other users recording Fiverr videos for other users gigs, and it gets me so nervous for them. I've been asked (or sometimes not asked, as they've tried to skirt around me by ordering a video supplying a sketchy script) to basically "impersonate" others whether it be for a video or a photo as their companies "employee" and I've completely refused. You know they're pretending to be "the face" of the video, because they purchased "the face" to represent their work in the video in order to draw buyers in.


There is huge risk here: As these individuals run the risk of the other individual failing their work in any and everyday possible, or any things else deemed unprofessional and as a result buyers will associates "the face" behind all the work/messages as that's what/who is being represented in the video for the gig. It's a really bad marketing move.


People instantly associate "the face" with the bad work they experienced, and potential prospects may move along. The risk isn't worth it at all. (Especially with the fake accounts pretending to be you to get buyers, YIKES!)


In retrospect, this is why companies drop celebrities and top athletes when they do something controversial, immoral, or illegal. It doesn't matter what happened, simply associating "the face" with product or visa versa hurts business. You are your own brand ambassador. Reputation is everything in business.


"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently." -Warren Buffett


I just had another sellers contact me after screen the photos I posted, apparently a girl in the photos is also another seller on here and they're using her photo too. I don't know if she gave them the rights though, let alone know if she's aware they're using her face as impersonation of one of one of their employees where they can email her "personally".... :


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