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What are your most effective marketing methods?

Guest mistrizone

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Guest octavianb

Well…maybe I`m not asking where I should be…but hope no one will mind.

I’m marketing my gigs on twitter/facebook, trying to use that single “buyer request” wisely and send it to the right person in hope they will convert into a sale. But what about the fiverr search? I’m looking for my gigs and they don’t appear anywhere! They are marked as express…not under express, not under new…not anywhere. What’s the catch? Am I missing something?

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I believe there are few things you can do

  1. Make your gig as unique as possible
  2. Give some discount, it always works ( like order 3 times and get 1 for free)
  3. Be extremely friendly, they are your potential customers… so sometimes even service can be your USP.
  4. Get customers from everywhere possible, facebook, twitter , youtube etc.


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Guest aestheticdesign

Hi Mistrizone/Everyone:

I’m a Fiverr newbie… I joined exactly one month ago and just made Level 1 status. Admittedly I’m a marketing professional so at a bit of an advantage but would love to offer up a few tips from my experience thus far:

  1. Offer what you are actually good at and what you love - I have a full time job, I freelance AND offer Fiverr gigs but it doesn’t feel like a burden or “work”. It feels like my purpose and I love it.

  2. Be a little altruistic - I found and decided to join Fiverr because I was seeking ways to be helpful to entrepreneurs and small business owners who need my services but can’t afford them. My friends told me I was foolish for offering resources and services for a meager $5 that corporate clients pay me 100X more for. I think it’s a way to give back.

  3. Take full advantage of the tools within Fiverr - I haven’t even started “marketing” my gigs yet but instead have been focused on understanding how things work around here (tag optimization, buyer requests, forums, etc)

  4. Test & Refine - I have several gigs (some perform much better than others) but they allow me to gauge what is in demand and serve as great cross-sell tools. There should also be a balance between uniqueness and what’s in high demand - not so niche that you have to work extra hard to create demand but also not directly competing with more established sellers.

    Hope this is helpful!

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Guest dsaldridge

I agree that over-delivering is important. I had one order that I did on the last day, and that bothered me, so I sent it in with some extra words and an offer to do as many revisions as necessary to get it perfect to make up for the late delivery. Even though it was within the time frame allotted, I usually get my jobs done within a couple of days, so this isn’t representative of my usual performance.

I like using social media, but be careful not to become a spammer. I tend to make my promotions something like “Hey guys! I know you are all broke and stressed out during the holidays, but you still need to keep up those blogs, so if you want some great content for $5, just check out my Fiverr gigs.” I’ll probably run a special all the way through Christmas instead of increasing my prices any more. I think that making it personal from one of their peers will really show that I understand and am willing to help.

Also, communication with former buyers is a great marketing tool. Always stay in touch with them, especially if you’re running a special, so they know you are still available and ready to help them. Always make it about the buyer, not yourself (within reason, of course). If you start a new gig that you think may interest them, shoot them a message to let them know. Even if they don’t need it, they may know another person who does.

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I have seen all of these tips and agree with most of them, but one thing I haven’t seen mentioned much are Buyer Requests. I have sold half of my Gigs from these. I works best if you leave another, more personalized comment (like a question about what all they want) after the automatic one. Just saying I have gotten 80% of my Gigs sold from this!

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#1 - Try to create funny, engaging videos. I don’t think this particular step - though very basic - can be overstated.

#2 - Over-deliver. I do voiceovers and I do all I can to provide über-fast delivery, and I tell the buyer that I will provide whatever it takes to make sure they are completely satisfied with the work. If that means free revisions, I provide free revisions.

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