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Suspicious Message


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I just received a very suspicious message today in my inbox. I say DO NOT OPEN these type of messages giving you a password to open the attachment. Because it smells like an injection to your account. Plus the way it is written and all. Stay away. See the screenshot. My two cents.!

Mod Note: Screenshot removed. You can repost the screenshot by hiding the username.


Be careful!

The shady bunch are on the loose.

A word from Fiverr Staff 🔻

Hello everyone, I want to take this post to remind everyone to never click on a random link in a Fiverr message from a buyer or seller you do not know. Be aware of google, bitly and other link shorteners that could potentially open you up to scammers taking your login information. If you ever have a question about a link, please take the time to send a request to support and we can verify for you.

Other complaints about attachments 🔻

So yeah, this happened. [Capture] [Capture2] Moral of the story: Be careful before opening files. Better to always do a check on Virus Total. Furthermore, NEVER open executable files i.e. .exe, .scr, .cmd, .vbs etc…


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