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I worry sometimes that I might be a bit mad. Then I come here and realize that really, I’m pretty much Stephen Hawking with bells on.

How sad that the only thread which finally acknowledged by personal greatness has descended into such disharmony. Shame on you all and your incomprehensible word war.

Shame on them all except me.

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I’m sorry but you can not escape my denouncement. You have clearly identified yourself here as an anti-bigwordist. I can’t let that pass. If there were no such thing as big words, what on Earth would people call horseshoes? Or for that matter, ever say anything at all in Welsh?

This hysteria started with anti-bigwordism and now it will end with the end of anti-bigwordism.

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Correct use of a wide vocabulary and unnecessarily using fancy words just to show off are two different things.

Correct use of a wide vocabulary and unnecessarily using fancy words just to show off are two different things.

I used “Universal Panacea” in an article today - Now I feel guilty… The client liked it though…

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I worry sometimes that I might be a bit mad. Then I come here and realize that really, I’m pretty much Stephen Hawking with bells on.

How sad that the only thread which finally acknowledged by personal greatness has descended into such disharmony. Shame on you all and your incomprehensible word war.

I worry sometimes that I might be a bit mad. Then I come here and realize that really, I’m pretty much Stephen Hawking with bells on.

Perhaps we should examine you electroencephalographically to confirm your assertion.

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Correct use of a wide vocabulary and unnecessarily using fancy words just to show off are two different things.

I used “Universal Panacea” in an article today - Now I feel guilty… The client liked it though…

Wasn’t Universal Panacea a grunge band in the 90’s? You may be receiving a Cease and Desist letter soon.

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I worry sometimes that I might be a bit mad. Then I come here and realize that really, I’m pretty much Stephen Hawking with bells on.

Perhaps we should examine you electroencephalographically to confirm your assertion.

Impossible. Fool me once with an electroencephalogram and I am forced to escape the high-security hospital. Fool me twice and things will just get ugly. Besides, if my imaginary girlfriend Scarlet says I’m fine, who I am I to disagree?

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Impossible. Fool me once with an electroencephalogram and I am forced to escape the high-security hospital. Fool me twice and things will just get ugly. Besides, if my imaginary girlfriend Scarlet says I’m fine, who I am I to disagree?

CY, If the problem is genetic, we can opt for genome editing you know. Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats aka CRISPR have proved to be very effective in that case. 😉

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CY, If the problem is genetic, we can opt for genome editing you know. Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats aka CRISPR have proved to be very effective in that case. 😉

Thank you for your obvious concern @saddu_writer. Now, please step the hell away from my genome. I didn’t spend millions of years evolving into the most perfect hominid possible only for someone to come and edit my base code for $5.

Take your gene editing technology and do something useful like give cows hands.

In either case, I can’t let you experiment on me.

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Thank you for your obvious concern @saddu_writer. Now, please step the hell away from my genome. I didn’t spend millions of years evolving into the most perfect hominid possible only for someone to come and edit my base code for $5.

Take your gene editing technology and do something useful like give cows hands.

In either case, I can’t let you experiment on me.

But cows already have hands. 😦

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