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  1. Success for me personally would be becoming one of the top 1% financially, globally, having a beautiful and loving wife and a couple of healthy children.
  2. Good luck, Dylan.
  3. Welcome to the forum, Yeasin.
  4. Welcome Nueldax! Your gig looks good enough.
  5. I got it on the first day and that was the only order I got in 2 months of selling here.
  6. The gig description is good, but I think it would look a little better if you add more words to it.
  7. I don't know myself if the impressions and clicks on Fiverr are real time as of now since I haven't sold here since 2017. Are they real time?
  8. Share your gigs on Reddit or make videos showcasing your skills on YouTube while sharing a link leading to your gigs
  9. I just had a quick overview of your profile, didn't notice anything wrong anywhere.
  10. "Digital Marketing and Graphic Deign Expert" The right spelling is 'Design', I think.
  11. Welcome to Fiverr, Urvah.
  12. @nishat2384do you really speak Hebrew?
  13. I am not an expert, but I would suggest forgetting about your absence on the platform and continue doing things normally.
  14. Hello Simon! Welcome to the community.
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